Recent content by SkyDieGame

  1. SkyDieGame

    Anime Crate & Shiny Keys

  2. SkyDieGame

    PvP Zone Build Competition

    The winners build will be featured in an open area of the PvP Zone! The new build will replace last seasons winning build. And /lick
  3. SkyDieGame

    The hole in the middle of the map

    Please calm down and be respectful towards others! Kind regards
  4. SkyDieGame

    Mystery Crate

  5. SkyDieGame

    Earth hotfixes (before its too late)

    Thanks for your feedback, i have brought this to other Earth staff and admins!
  6. SkyDieGame

    Make succes dust combineable

    You can combine dust at /tinkerer Edit: Its /alchemist
  7. SkyDieGame

    Earth realm ideas

    Fyi: We have Master Inquisitive already
  8. SkyDieGame

    I cannot log on at all onto my main account. Help?

    Hallo! We are having some wierd connection issues and devs are working on it!
  9. SkyDieGame

    @The Pleb General Summer = Rain instead of snow xD

    @The Pleb General Summer = Rain instead of snow xD
  10. SkyDieGame

    Hey! I have a small break to enjoy the summer while it lasts! I will be back soon!

    Hey! I have a small break to enjoy the summer while it lasts! I will be back soon!
  11. SkyDieGame

    This is only for rewards

    Sounds like a terrible time
  12. SkyDieGame

    Putting back fly in every town either its an allied one or a non allied one

    No need to argue, when we added the perm flight in claims some bugs (Disabled flight in some towns) occurred and we are working on fixing those!