I was recently temp muted on survival for "starting fights not ending the conversation when i was told to". I didnt start a fight i meerly said to the public chat that i was "on the fence" believing this player who was stating in the chat that they had a daughter with the same name as mine that had passed away. I never ever said anything hateful about this woman and her child. I know I say stupid stuff but that would be stepping over the line for me. I dont understand what is wrong for being cautious about information that is presented to me in a childs game. Its the internet. I am cautious about all information I recieve because its very easy for people to lie. I was on the fence about this because the last thing I would do as a mother is talk about the loss of my child on a video game of all places with a lot of impressionable children that are going to believe that and give compliments. There was also this girl openly talking about suicide on a video game for children that was very personally triggering for me as i have dealt with mental health and could have been for other people. I would never in my life openly talk about my personalstruggleson a video game to strangers unless i was fishing for compliments so i made the assumtion and everyone turned on me. Im assuming she got upset because i made some jokes about her minecraft boyfriend which i was told to do by blooptydoo and oceanbirds (i have screenshots). i later apologised and i was making minecraftpuns not hurtful things. I promised anxi that i would stop being toxic and I really have and I have been trying but being muted for being cautious and speaking my opinion leads me to believe that theres something wrong with how the server is regulated. I was literally told to shut up because the whole server was against me. It didnt matter who was morally right or wrong it was a majority rules which is completly messed up. I definetly deserve to be unmuted. It is wrong on so many levels to mute a player because theyre speaking their opinion. Yet people can openly talk about death and suicide which not only is triggering for me and other people its highly innapropriete to be talking about on a childrens video game. There is really something wrong with the way the server works in terms of punishment and free speech and its disgusting.