My name's Tyler because the lady at the hospital wouldn't let my mother call me "Oops"


Dedicated Member
Oct 31, 2016
92 3
Yo, the title is a true story.

My favorite food in the whole world is jelly. It's like a solid liquid type thing that you eat or something, I dunno.
My favorite drink in the whole world, which I most likely can't get again, is the Starbucks Iced White Chocolate. I love white chocolate, so I was in heaven.
My favorite animals are penguins and cats. I love how penguins waddle and I love to cuddle cats.
My favorite band is Twenty One Pilots, because they make depressing songs sound cheerful somehow.
My favorite show is 2 Broke Girls, I just love Max's dark humor and they're both hot af.
My favorite color is aqua blue, the color code #00FFFF. It's so bright and the color makes me feel happy.
My favorite song is Beyoncé - Halo. The lyrics and music are just amazing, my pet peeve about it is that it's a little too slow. However it's a great song.
My favorite school subject is cooking. I really love to learn to cook new things. I can cook nachos, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti bolognese, pancakes, poached eggs and apple pinwheels.
My favorite movie is Divergent, I loved the plotline, it was unique with a mix from other movies.
Here's a playlist of my favorite songs

Least Favorites
My least favorite food is surprising. Greek Vanilla yogurt. I can't believe they ruined yogurt, like honestly I'm so triggered at that. First the Hawaiians ruin pizza, now the Greeks ruin the yogurt! (jk lol I love hawaiian pizza)
My least favorite drink is coffee. You may want to tell me to get lost or whatever, but it's my opinion. I find it too strong and vile.
My least favorite animals are anything with more than four legs. Spiders, flies, etc. They creep the crap out of me.
My least favorite band is One Directions, they might as well make my ears bleed.
My least favorite color is gold, surprisingly. Gold just looks like a disgusting shade of yellow.
My least favorite song is Justin Timberlake - Can't Stop the Feeling. It's really annoying and catchy, and it's way too happy.
My least favorite school subject is Math. At least 99% of the stuff we learn, we don't use. Honestly, they need to stop teaching us crap we're never going to use.
My least favorite movie is High School Musical, it ruins my ears.

Contact Details
Twitter: RealTDITyler
Wattpad: RealTDITyler
Discord: TeamTyler#2561
Forums: Click on my name lol.

Pet Peeves
Call me a hypocrite, but it annoys me when people are hypocrites. It's like "why do you do it if you're not going to let anyone else?" or something. Honestly...
I really dislike suicide jokes, death wishes, basically anything that can trigger suicide. Last year I wanted to kill myself at least five times, I tried once but I chickened out.
LGBT+ discrimination is a big fat no in my opinion. If you don't wanna see two dudes or two chicks making out, don't whine about it. Keep your damn opinions to yourself. Got a problem with same sex marriage? Don't marry the same sex... honestly.
I may be a little nosy at times, but I don't take it too far. I despise people who are extremely nosy. Like seriously, mind your own business. Most stuff shouldn't even concern other people.

Real Life
I was born on April 27th 2001 at 12:08am in a hospital in New Zealand, hence why my birthday is on April 27th (your mind has been blown). When I was six I had my tonsils removed because they were too large. I had been behind the others in school and ever since I've been in the top three in most of my classes. I love playing Minecraft in my spare time, I've ended up letting the internet take away 80% of my life. When I was twelve my parents split. I live with my mum, my counselor/mum's flatmate and my best friend's dad. On the first and third weekend of each month, I'm at my dad's place and on the second and fourth weekend, I'm at my mums, while my best friend comes to visit his dad. My dad lives with his girlfriend, who I love and hate at the same time. My hobbies involve playing Minecraft, playing twister, watching crap TV, cooking and being lazy. I have a cat, his name is Ollie. He's such a weirdo and he lives with my mum. I have another cat named Barney. We adopted him when our neighbors moved out and forgot about him, he's a really lazy cat who is always hungry. I'm bisexual with a stronger preference for guys and I've been in a relationship with a girl before, which lasted two weeks when I told her I'm bi. I don't know why she freaked out about it when she's pansexual.

What I Want
I have goals in life, like everyone else.
I want to stop being so addicted to the damn internet, it's sucking up all my time.
I want to pass all my NCEA levels at school so I can study to be a lawyer. If I fail in the law business, I want to be a chef.
I also wish to be more sociable and make more friends. I know quality is better than quantity, but I need more.
I just want a normal life like everyone else, it seems impossible to ask for.

Well now you know more about me. I've got 69 questions about moi!
  1. If you were the only human left on earth, what would you do?: I'd tame all the animals and have them treat me like a god.
  2. What was the best compliment you've ever received?: "You're somewhat alright."
  3. What did you think you would grow out of but haven’t?: My love for Pingu.
  4. What’s the dumbest thing you’ve done that actually turned out pretty well?: Put cinnamon in the pastry instead of on top of the apple pie.
  5. What is something you will never do again?: Eat asparagus.
  6. What do you wish your brain was better at doing?: Thinking.
  7. If you could make one rule that everyone had to follow, what rule would you make?:Anyone with the name "Tyler" is a god or goddess.
  8. What are you addicted to?: Food.
  9. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?: I'd keep Tyler, then change my last name to "Swenson".
  10. What risks are worth taking?: Making friends.
  11. What can you not get right, no matter how many times you try?: Mathematics.
  12. What do you take for granted?: My parents.
  13. What challenging thing are you working through these days?: Depression.
  14. What makes a good life?: Happiness.
  15. What do you strongly suspect but have no proof of?: I was adopted?
  16. What do you hope your last words will be?: "I love you..."
  17. What do you like most about your family?: That they aren't together and dislike each other.
  18. If you were put into solitary confinement for six months, what would you do to stay sane?: I think I'd go insane within the first 10 minutes.
  19. Have you ever saved someone’s life?:
  20. What’s something horrible that everyone should try at least once?: Murder someone.
  21. What would a mirror opposite of yourself be like?:
  22. What’s the hardest lesson you’ve learned?: Life isn't fair.
  23. What’s the title of the current chapter of your life?: Coping with your crap.
  24. What do people think is weird about you?: My obsession with murder.
  25. What mistake do you keep making again and again?: Not telling enough people how I really feel about them.
  26. What have you created that you are most proud of?: My Wattpad.
  27. What annoys you most about the in-groups you are a part of?: They're unpopular and Hope doesn't stfu sometimes.
  28. What do you have doubts about?: Optimism.
  29. If you could have a never-ending candle that smelled like anything you wanted, what fragrance would you want it to be?: Cinnamon and Vanilla.
  30. If your childhood had a smell, what would it be?: Chocolate and strawberries.
  31. Among your friends or family, what are you famous for?: My bad attitude.
  32. What’s the most immature thing that you do?: Laugh when the ketchup bottle farts.
  33. If your life was a book, what would its title be?: "Scars of Depression" or "Fake Smiles".
  34. What’s something that happened or something that someone said that changed how you view the world?: When I found out women fart too, because I used to think only men farted.
  35. What lie do you tell most often?: "I knew that."
  36. What do you regret not doing?: Saying "goodbye" to my grandmother. :(
  37. What are you most insecure about?: My interests.
  38. What are you afraid people see when they look at you?: Anything that'll boost my depression tbh.
  39. Whats your Birthday?: April 27th 2001.
  40. Can you juggle?: No
  41. If you were a super hero what powers would you have?: Teleportation.
  42. What types of holidays do you prefer?: Seasonal holidays.
  43. Whats your favorite non-alcoholic drink?: Iced White Chocolate.
  44. Whats your favorite girl group?: Fifth Harmony.
  45. Do you want children?: Yes
  46. If you were gay who would your life partner be?: I'm bisexual. Probably Josh Dun.
  47. If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be?: I'd have actually ran away when I planned it.
  48. Would you ever go on Big Brother?: f*** yes. I want to win some $$$.
  49. What type of music do you like?: Technically all, if I like a song then I like it.
  50. What do you wear to bed?: A black tee with tight underwear.
  51. Do you have any scars?: Yes.
  52. If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?: "How did you cope?"
  53. Do you hold grudges?: Yes, always.
  54. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature what new animal would you create?: Sloths and Cheetahs.
  55. Are you a good liar?: I'm an honest person.
  56. Whats your favourite joke?: "Yo mama's so fat, when she went on a diet she ended world hunger!"
  57. Have you ever baked your own cake?: Yes, it was good. Marshmallow and Lemon cake.
  58. How do you have your eggs?: Fried.
  59. What was the last song you danced to?: AND IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU!
  60. Whats your favourite type of Pie? Pear.
  61. Are you good at keeping secrets?: Depends on the secret.
  62. Have you ever stolen anything?: Yes, duh.
  63. Have you ever accidentally set fire to yourself?: In Science I did, didn't feel it cos of chemicals.
  64. If you were to become a famous singer, what would your debut album be called?: "Meaningless".
  65. Do you believe in love at first sight?: I believe in hate at first sight.
  66. Do you think Barbie is a negative role model for young girls?: Yes, of course.
  67. What are your 3 favourite internet sites?: Discord, 123Movies and YouTube.
  68. If you could choose one celebrity to be one of the parents of your child who would it be?: Ariana Grande.
  69. What would you do if someone proposed to you tomorrow?: Depends on who proposes to me.
If you want the format, please just copy and paste this then remove the answers.


Dedicated Member
Aug 24, 2016
147 2
First I just wanna say you put a huge amount of effort and detail in your introduction! Greek yogurt is really bad I agree. I love playing twister as well, It's really good party game! I have a cat as well, but I was less creative with the name, his name his is kitty! Welcome to the server! If you have any questions feel free to message me! Cya around. c:


Dedicated Member
Oct 31, 2016
92 3
First I just wanna say you put a huge amount of effort and detail in your introduction! Greek yogurt is really bad I agree. I love playing twister as well, It's really good party game! I have a cat as well, but I was less creative with the name, his name his is kitty! Welcome to the server! If you have any questions feel free to message me! Cya around. c:
First the Hawaiians ruin (jk) pizza, now the Greeks ruin yogurt.