Congrats to my fellow staff of the month!
Truly grateful and honored to have been chosen. <3
Here's to another happy month with all of you awesome people!
Hello ManaCuties!
ItsEmi29PB will be hosting a cubit hunt!
Somewhere in the Earth map is a sign hidden~, if you manage to find it you will win 2 cubits! <3
Reply to this forum thread with a picture of the sign if you've found it!
Theres more of these to come and with bigger rewards!
I tried Elden Ring, I tried refunding Elden Ring. Needless to say I am 60$ poorer on a game too difficult for me to play. :sob:
It's so beautiful tho I wish there was some easy mode to play it on.
Hey! Thanks for bringing this up on the forums. First I'd like to inform you that racism is strictly unwelcome in ManaCube. I also can understand how from some perspectives it can appear as not so much enforced.
In the example you provided, the main concern was the sentence `stfu black ass...