Search results

  1. Billybo10000

    Rejected New Expert Map! AnimalPK!

    We've already got a chicken map. And the pig has been done so many times, I really want to slaughter them all :P Rejected.
  2. Billybo10000

    Rejected Spongebob PK (Medium)

    Sadly, this map has been rejected! Reasons for this include: The Pixel art does not seem like it fits a parkour theme. It's a giant spongebob, with some rather off putting parkour. The issue with pixel art is, unlike normal parkour, the colour and design really matters. With darker colours, you...
  3. Billybo10000

    Rejected Yin Yang pk

    Like your Boo Map, this map is just too easy for easy... Sorry, but the length of the map needs to be increased and we need some harder jumps, it's easier than cake, and that's never good. ~ Billy
  4. Billybo10000

    Accepted [Hard] Luck Of Te Irish Parkour

    Trust me, I've been keeping an eye on this map.. Out of curiosity, are you Irish yourself, or are you just stereotyping an entire country?
  5. Billybo10000

    New maps... Bugs?

    @Drakey Might wanna look at this.
  6. Billybo10000

    Accepted [Hard] Luck Of Te Irish Parkour

    You know it's against the rules to create three duplicate threads for the same map.
  7. Billybo10000

    Rejected BoxMan01234 Parkour

    Rejected. It's literally a player model with parkour on it.
  8. Billybo10000

    Rejected i made a medium map

    Rejected. This map does not have the quality of a parkourse course. It's like those parkours you find in creative plots that people made, in the hopes that a random user flying around would stumble upon it and be bored enough to play it. Get a theme, design your course, think about the parkour...
  9. Billybo10000

    Rejected Dispenser PK [MEDIUM]

    The map only uses black wool and cobblestone. We need more variety in terms of your design. And as the user above me said, please, turn of your caps lock. You have no excuses and it only makes me want to skip your parkour.
  10. Billybo10000

    Rejected awesome new park cor called sandy jump Follow the guidelines on this thread to create a proper thread.
  11. Billybo10000

    Rejected Armor Stand Parkour (Easy)

    Rejected! Sadly we are not looking for any parkours involving weapons or armor at this time.
  12. Billybo10000

    Rejected Boo PK

    10/10 Too Short - Ign Yeah, rejected.
  13. Billybo10000

    Rejected [Hard] Raining Parkour!

    Personally, the map feels a little too clustered. If you had various rainclouds with varying degrees of rain, it might be a bit more unique, while also being more spaced out so you don't smack into blocks every few jumps. Do with my mini comment what you will. It's rejected for now, but if you...
  14. Billybo10000

    Accepted Bedroom Parkour [Insane]

    Accepted. Just... accepted.
  15. Billybo10000

    Rejected Dragon Parkour

    Sadly rejected, however I think if you revised the map, maybe made it an easy, take away the random floating slime block bit, maybe have them parkour up the dragon more.
  16. Billybo10000

    Rejected [Medium] Frozen Obstacle Course Parkour

    Rejected! Not only did you break the rules by making a duplicate thread, but your map was not up to par with other maps we have accepted. The theme is lacking, it's just snow. There's no Frozen. A quarter of the parkour isn't even actual parkour, it's walking along some ice.
  17. Billybo10000

    Rejected 2-D Mario PK by Wafflethecat (Easy)

    It's just a little too similar to the one already in parkourse... Sorry...
  18. Billybo10000

    Rejected Infinity Sand Tower (Insane)

    Rejected, and Angel_Scarz, could you stop with the snarky comments. Unless you want to give constructive critiques, stop.
  19. Billybo10000

    Rejected (Expert/Insane) Social Media Parkour, Made by- DinoMolly

    Sorry, but this map just suffers from a length issue. You wanted the parkour to go super high into the sky when it really didn't need to go that high. Because of this, it made your jump count skyrocket and you've had to give it a difficulty that does not befit this game... Sadly, this map has...
  20. Billybo10000

    Rejected Cobble Ruins (Medium)

    Firstly, barrier spam. Secondly, this structure clearly isn't in Ruins. Thirdly, you call it cobble ruins, but there's no actual cobble in the ruins. Stone bricks are not cobble. Please Baw, take some time on your next map, really get to work, research a GOOD theme and try to add detail. You've...