hi lonely hope you’re doing well.
there is not yet any announced date for a factoins reset. when it’s announced it’ll be put in the announcements channel on discord, as well as on the forums in the announcements area.
i’ve met so many people here that i love spending time with tbh.
ranged (rangedhealer77) was my mentor (<3) and first friend on the staff team when i joined, for the past year and a half she’s always been there for me however i need, and i love her a lot !!
Purpz (chocbar) although not an...
shopping is always a great one. another favorite of mine would be when it was cold and snowy and i could sit inside and watch movies all day. also excited for the outdoor rinks to be done so i can skate :)
way back before i became staff, factions was by far my favorite gamemode to play. now that i can't really play it i enjoy spending time on parkour with friends
what is your favorite interaction on mana?
talking to @rangedhealer77 and @chiara
what do you like most about the server overall?
probably @rangedhealer77 and @chiara
what do you think about the crate system?
factions doesn't have crates, but i think the models are neat looking.
what is...
we closed it because the factions plug-in (which allows all faction commands, and base protection) broke when the daily reset happened. it has been fixed by our devs now and is open again.