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  1. fastball602

    What I honestly feel about the Minevast Staff & Owner

    I just asked him that on PM, We will find out soon
  2. fastball602

    Hey uh, What is your in game name? Don't think I've seen you on forums either...

    Hey uh, What is your in game name? Don't think I've seen you on forums either...
  3. fastball602

    Ban Management

    Well, the Ban Management recorded all of the data (Why you were banned all that) but caused a ton of glitches. We had players who were temp banned and once the time ran out, they couldn't get back on that specific server, (Correctly if I'm severely wrong.)
  4. fastball602

    What I honestly feel about the Minevast Staff & Owner

    I dont think I'm mentioned in here (good thing), but every staff member has his/her own way of doing something. Sometimes you have to be mean to just pass through that obstacle, or could be nice, which could possibly be harder for the "meaner" staff members EDIT: Oh Wait...I see it now
  5. fastball602

    KitPVP Gems and Cash Giveaway! #1

    Yay! Second Prize!
  6. fastball602

    I can't join creative

    Again, double posted after being warned on forums... //warned
  7. fastball602

    Guide to not get banned or muted on MV

  8. fastball602

    I have maps for the server

  9. fastball602

    Guide to not get banned or muted on MV

    You can't look at ban reports Only staff can
  10. fastball602

    Who's your Valentine?

    Hey guys! So Valentine's day is coming up and I've been wondering, who's my Valentine? That quickly came up, and it's a person at my school (Chloe). Now that I have just said mine, reply who yours is! In-game or out of game! Good luck!
  11. fastball602


  12. fastball602

    Guide to not get banned or muted on MV

    This is just a helpful guide to not get banned on MV (in game and on forums), hackers beware, spammers you scared. In Game: 1: (Global) (Auto Temp-ban or Perm Ban) Please do not hack. Hacking makes the server less fun with hackers running around. We try to ban every hacker we see, but...
  13. fastball602

    I can't join creative

    Does it give you a message when you try to long on creative?
  14. fastball602

    I can't join creative

    ./creative or if that doesn't work re-log if that doesn't work, re install minecraft, happened sometimes to me, dun worry.
  15. fastball602

    Parkour Map Infomation

    Would you like to submit a map for our Parkour Server? Find out how below: Requirements: The map must have places for us to put checkpoints It must not be extremely wide ( It might interfere with other courses ) Preferably made in a void environment NO 1.8 BLOCKS Preferably a themed parkour...
  16. fastball602

    [CLOSED] Official Parkour Tournament- Hosted By: Ham562 And EDM_Miner

    Your IGN: fastball602 Favorite Parkour Course: Mushroom Why? Cause I'm bored running around the server... idk
  17. fastball602

    Transfer my sponsor please to all of the servers!

    If you only bought your rank with gems on the creative server, then it's only on the creative server. However, if you didn't and paid with real money, then you will have to ask staff. If you're lying, that's not cool.
  18. fastball602

    PvP Tournament - Hosted by BrackishBird8

  19. fastball602

    Am i in the KitPvP Giveaway?

    Am i in the KitPvP Giveaway?
  20. fastball602

    I have maps for the server

    Denegado . Lo sentimos , usted mapas son demasiado básico y fácil para la gente para matar . Gracias por edificio aunque