Search results

  1. Txilsy

    Rejected Eiffel Tower// Hard

    Hello Sam, Thanks for submitting your map! I've come to inform you that this map will be rejected. Your map has an original theme, I have to give you that. The structure does represent the theme nicely, though I have to agree with @Shinxray his great angry french man impression, I do not...
  2. Txilsy

    Count to 50 before a staff posts!

  3. Txilsy

    Count to 50 before a staff posts!

    Bullying? Pfft no..
  4. Txilsy

    Count to 50 before a staff posts!

    Anyone got pizza? No? Alright then, a restart yet again will do.
  5. Txilsy

    That's right :))

    That's right :))
  6. Txilsy

    Parkour ideas??

    I don't have any ideas currently but maybe think of some games, movies, series? Always feel free to ask me whether any themes have been used or if it is a good idea in the first place. Best of luck and I hope everything turns out well!
  7. Txilsy

    Accepted Portal - Expert

    Thanks for the opinions you guys, hope it wasn't biased haha Now, it would be quite easy to have this accepted if I judged it myself, wouldn't it? Nono, I will leave it to someone else this time, don't you worry ;)
  8. Txilsy

    Accepted Portal - Expert

    This map is completely mirrored, both sides are equal except for the colours. So yes it is a versus map. ✬ Creator: Txilsy ✬ Course name: Portal ✬ Map Maker: /plot v Txilsy 3 ✬ Difficulty: Expert (Open for suggestions) ✬ Jumps: Around 80 ✬ Checkpoints: 5 (incl. Start) ✬ Screenshots:
  9. Txilsy

    Rejected Map submission

    Hi Wizf-, Wizolo, I'm sorry to tell you that this map will be rejected. There already are a few computer courses, so the theme isn't as original. Neither is the execution of it. The course doesn't look too good due to the floating blocks, that are in front of the build as well. The jumps are...
  10. Txilsy

    Rejected Map: Insane Pain

    Hai there, I've come to inform you that this map will be rejected. Other than a theme for the jumps, there isn't quite a general theme nor build. This leaves the course to only be floating blocks which is quite ugly and messy. When accept maps, we look for maps that are original, fun to play...
  11. Txilsy

    Rejected The Abyss - Resubmission

    Hey dude, After looking at your map we have decided to keep this one rejected. Other than the big letters outside, you wouldn't notice the theme that easily. Neither is the build appealing to look at, from both the inside and outside. The jumps have improved however and we'd love to see them...
  12. Txilsy

    I have mixed feelings about this message D:

    I have mixed feelings about this message D:
  13. Txilsy

    Parkour list (With theme)

    I hope this makes me reject less maps with the 'repetitive theme' reason, thanks a lot for making this :) Also, the yellow is kinda hard to read imo, I think you might want to replace it with another (darker) colour for this thread to make it easier to read.
  14. Txilsy

    The Color Game (Actual one)

    ecru ..thanks google c:
  15. Txilsy

    Rejected EASY// Sand Parkour

    Hello Sam, Thanks for submitting your map! I've come to inform you that this map will be rejected. Points that influenced the decision: - The theme is already pretty common and even though you build it in your own way, it didn't quite work out this time. - The build is pretty simple though I'm...
  16. Txilsy

    Rejected USS Enterprise

    Hello maffacool, Thanks for submitting your map! I've come to inform you that this map will be rejected. Points that influenced the decision: - The theme of the map is original, but it does look like a plane theme, which is a bit more common. - The build is simple and as it should, it does...
  17. Txilsy

    Rejected mini haunted house parkour - easy

    Helloo, Thanks for submitting your map! I've come to inform you that this map will be rejected. Points that influenced the decision: - The theme has been used a few times before, with this I mean a Halloween/spooky themed map. - The build is decent, but barely there. Other than the signs, you...
  18. Txilsy

    Accepted Paralyzed Tower / Hard Parkour

    Hello Shinxray, Thanks for submitting your map! I've come to inform you that this map will be accepted. Points that influenced the decision: - The theme is indeed overused and I would still recommend finding an original theme for any future maps. - The build isn't something I'm a big fan of...
  19. Txilsy

    Rejected Sticky Situation - Medium/Hard - Built By Adamant___/_blehhh

    Hello there, Thanks for submitting your map! I've come to inform you that this map will be rejected. Points that influenced the decision: - The theme is overused, as pointed out before me. Make sure to have your map as original as possible to increase the likeliness of the map getting...
  20. Txilsy

    Dat leuke landje ja c;

    Dat leuke landje ja c;