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  1. SirJakuIV

    Survival biggest head museum in season 9

    oh yikes sorry this took a whole month for me to see this lol. sure! (if im ever play survival)
  2. SirJakuIV

    Playtime shared across servers

    Seeing your reasoning, I agree. It is harder for players that dont dedicate their lives to get playtime and I think that adding universal playtime would make it easier for players (expecially younger or more academically stressed) to prestige.
  3. SirJakuIV

    News Post Anime Crate & Shiny Keys

    Love the new crate design!!
  4. SirJakuIV

    PvP Zone Build Competition

  5. SirJakuIV

    Mana Chronicles - May 2024

  6. SirJakuIV

    SirJakuIV - QA Team Application [Earth]

    Your Minecraft Username SirJakuIV Discord username Jakalcat What is the main realm you play on Earth When did you start playing on ManaCube and what does your activity look like? I started playing mana on December 27th 2023. I'm online everyday with an average (active) time of ~5 hours per...
  7. SirJakuIV

    moore_awa - QA Team Application [Earth]

    oh! that does seem to be a re-occuring thing with QA members. Regardless. Awa is a great person for QA and I hope things work out for her +1
  8. SirJakuIV

    Rewards for LB champions?

    I was actually thinking of adding them too the 5 that *dont* get rewards. Like the bottom 5 (4 now bc of lack of player kills). Maybe do the bottom 4 with crate rewards and the top 5 (meaning gdp, harvest, etc) keep at cubits. Ty for the response!
  9. SirJakuIV

    400 cubit giveaway for my birthday

  10. SirJakuIV

    Rewards for LB champions?

    (I know about the cubit reward, please don't bring that up) What if leaderboard champions also won either 5 of this month's crate OR a celebratory SVA? It wouldn't mess with the economy, it would allow newer, less p2w players to get access to either a crate or a sva, and its a little bonus for...
  11. SirJakuIV

    Community Pin

    wait im down for a community pin!
  12. SirJakuIV

    Louie crate

    make a portfolio in the crate and (if it looks good) i'll spam it in /shout for you <3
  13. SirJakuIV

    Areth Builds

  14. SirJakuIV

    Vaultable Items on Earth

    I think it really shows how informative and helpful manacube is! Without this information, I would've never been able to sleep:D
  15. SirJakuIV

    Survival biggest head museum in season 9

    yes that's metal
  16. SirJakuIV

    Recommended SVA Armor Sets & Weapons?

    my man that was 2 years ago lmaoo
  17. SirJakuIV

    Earth Trade

    ignore that lol i was talking to someone in another tab. I ment to say, that the axe is wayy better than most swords, I wouldnt trade it away due to its rarity.
  18. SirJakuIV

    Earth Trade

    Grind. trust me its worth it. dont make any dumb trades
  19. SirJakuIV

    Earth Trade

    My brother, that is a horrible trade. do NOT sell your tetris axe for a sword
  20. SirJakuIV

    How to train your dragon Crate

    my bad its my american dialect LMAO