Search results

  1. BinLicker

    Worst landmine on manacube?

    KeyBlade courtesy of doobix (rip sicaro) expert landmine false ending on an insane map
  2. BinLicker

    Hide Chat Command

    Thank you for the kind words SSM
  3. BinLicker

    Bounty #2 - Horror Hopping

    I apologise deeply
  4. BinLicker

    Bounty #2 - Horror Hopping

    Damn whoever made this bounty must be cool
  5. BinLicker

    Laney’s Art Raffle! *WINNERS*

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! What is your discord!
  6. BinLicker

    Accepted Corki - Built by ThomasHyper & owotmg - Medium diffculty

    Hey guys! I hope you nerfed the map if you planned on keeping it a medium. In the state I tested it, it was too difficult! Remember I am not a map judge!
  7. BinLicker

    6 month anniversary on manacube giveaway [CLOSED]

    BinLickerLover, BinLicker#8371, joined November 2020 well done on 6 months!
  8. BinLicker

    Rejected Easter Island - Easy

    Hey folks! Good job only issue is, is that the theme is unoriginal (Moai - Medium) unlucky! Please in future take some time to read through the list of all maps! Remember I am not a map judge!
  9. BinLicker

    Accepted RescueMission - Medium

    I like this map
  10. BinLicker

    Challenge Mode Reward.

    You got this!
  11. BinLicker

    What is the rarest thing you own on manacube?

    Let him have his fun, soon he will realise that he can't wear more than one at a time haha
  12. BinLicker

    What is the rarest thing you own on manacube?

    I have a smooth stone slab that IDKU gave me. I believe one 3 people including me and idku have one
  13. BinLicker

    What is the rarest thing you own on manacube?

    What is the rarest thing you have in your collection on manacube?
  14. BinLicker


    Why a grimace?
  15. BinLicker

    Rejected Mario'sHouse - Easy, resubmissiowon

    Hehe nice screenshot, I do indeed like toes. Wicked map has all the details down to a T
  16. BinLicker


  17. BinLicker

    Accepted OswaldRabbit - Expert

    Hi ana! Thank you for your feedback on the ears, if that is an issue that the map judges highlight we will fix them. As for shading the map is already shaded with everything you mentioned above prior to when you suggested it. Thank you for your feedback!
  18. BinLicker

    12,000 Mana competition

    Oh well, I did my best
  19. BinLicker

    Rejected BearCub

    It in you are aware you can edit your first post and not leave multiple? Edit: Like this :D