Search results

  1. BinLicker

    Rejected Cave of Doom - Medium

    A map called Camping Rocks was recently accepted I'm sorry but a camping trip would now be considered unoriginal. You are getting unlucky with picking ideas :( Take some time to look through the list of all maps in alphabetical order to check if your theme is taken.
  2. BinLicker

    Rejected Invisible Parkor

    Hey BlackKnight1545 the formatting of this post was incorrect! The map needs to have an original build and a theme to match! Have a look at /warp beta to gain an understanding of the level of build and parlour that is accepted. Please check over the postponement as map judges won't be able to...
  3. BinLicker

    /prefix for locked

    Locked +
  4. BinLicker

    What your fav Minecraft animal.

    McNugget the chicken
  5. BinLicker

    Rejected Cave of Doom - Medium

    Good idea! I suggest taking a look at /warp beta and asking some of the lively people on the server to test your map before you submit so you can get some instant feedback!
  6. BinLicker


    They would get muted for that regardless for making the word capital or outlined in anyway, it would still reduce spam as people will no longer spam cucumber and if they do say what you said or spam it they can get muted for evading the censor.
  7. BinLicker


    However the fact that it's blurred is encouraging people to say the inappropriate word to highlight the fact that it is blurred. I reckon the crude word in question was censored by mods that didn't realise that it would your that string of letters in every word that it's in. If we remove the...
  8. BinLicker

    Rejected Cave of Doom - Medium

    Good idea about removing the floating parkour. However there are lots of caged themed maps so simply making surface bigger won't make the theme original. I suggest you try and find a unique theme or add something truly special to the build.
  9. BinLicker

    Giving away 2.5k mana

    Snooze you loose XD Thank you for the giveaway
  10. BinLicker

    Giving away 2.5k mana

    His ign is 49ersDude
  11. BinLicker

    Rejected Koenma

    Another one!
  12. BinLicker

    Accepted Italia - Hard Map Submission

    I am a bit concerned about name of your map as it is a bit too similar to the map named Italy. I think it's an easy change that I would recommend :) good luck on the submission!
  13. BinLicker

    Rejected Busy Bees

    Here is some feedback for your map. Note: I am not a map judge. Build: The build is accurate to the theme but honestly is a bit lazy as it is just minecraft bees but done in creative, though this may still be considered an original theme the build can bee (get it?) Improved. You need to state...
  14. BinLicker

    Accepted Italia - Hard Map Submission

    Gave this map a test, really fun parkour and it wasn't to difficult but a tricky slime jump near a cp that I think may need a nerf. Super clean build and good detail. I have a slight issue with the name but if map judges think it's too similar to Italy then it won't be too hard for you to change...
  15. BinLicker

    Giving away 2.5k mana

    IGN: BinLickerLover I fancy a bit of pasta ( all round good meal)
  16. BinLicker

    Rejected 50's dinner parkour (resubmission)

    Did you adjust the build according to the feedback given when this was rejected?
  17. BinLicker

    Forum Signature Inspiration

    How did you get a video in yours?
  18. BinLicker

    Forum Signature Inspiration

    Thank you! I found the music disc
  19. BinLicker

    Forum Signature Inspiration

    How do you put the flowers on the post? Can I do it with other minecraft things like music discs?
  20. BinLicker

    FIND ALL THE STAFF! Thank you staff video project in progress

    Wait until a new promotion and then go ham because that's when they're all on