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  1. Ryanminty123

    Tricked + Griefed

    James your reputation in the Minevast community can be lowered?
  2. Ryanminty123


    Welcome to Minevast Matt I understand that you're the web developer but I hope to see you become part of this amazing community as well as the staff :D
  3. Ryanminty123

    fastball602's D Build

    You all don't realise the skill required to make this. Id rate A++ 8/8 It is great! Like id bake a cake for it.
  4. Ryanminty123

    I can't join creative

    Just realised that this has been solved. (this is an edited post.) My apologies...
  5. Ryanminty123

    My Life in minevast

    Thanks if you want to see me online I'm a regular for creative. (GMT)
  6. Ryanminty123

    My Life in minevast

    Hi! I assume that most people who are reading this know me for being a regular player on Creative. But I don't think that you know how I became a regular on Creative do you? Well by the time you've finished reading this you will know my Story throughout minevastHi and hopefully see me more...
  7. Ryanminty123

    A Spanish moderator?

    Indeed the general population of Spanish players are going down but i feel that we need some sort of language specialist just in case it happens again...
  8. Ryanminty123

    A Spanish moderator?

    Hi! Recently while I've been playing on Minevast I've noticed that the amount of Spanish people joining has gone up considerably. I personally have no problem with this but if this increase is to continue then we most defiantly need a Spanish moderator... Imagine this: Spanish-guy: Ven a mi...
  9. Ryanminty123

    Terraforming for Beginners

    Usually it's better to create your terrain first then add the structures as oppose to making all the structures on the plot first. (This is for the more "Experienced" builder rather than beginners)
  10. Ryanminty123

    A second clipboard?

    Okay so the other day I was just messing around on Creative making things out of glass and just generally playing around with them. Then I came into a little problem with //copy and //paste. I wanted to be able to paste multiple things. My way around this. Perhaps giving us a new command such...
  11. Ryanminty123

    All this time and I haven't introduced myself...

    Arckrai dude nice to see you here but I never see you any more... Come to creative some time, preferably during my time zone <GMT>
  12. Ryanminty123

    Some Useful Warps!

    Hey Guys its Ryan here and if you are always spamming in chat about your warp then this is your salvation! If you have a warp that you want people to see without spamming it in the chat then post it here with what it is and who worked with you to make it! Example: I have the warp /warp Example...
  13. Ryanminty123

    All this time and I haven't introduced myself...

    Hello I am Ryanminty123 or as you most likely know me EzioMinty I have been playing on Minevast for around a year now and I'm just an overall person. I'm not an A builder but I pride myself in what i can build. If ever you need a little hand learning with building or just generally understanding...
  14. Ryanminty123

    Minevast HeadShop Staff Requirements and Application

    This is an extremely long application form for a Head Shop don't you think? Surely finding people you trust would be much more suitable for your Head Shop rather than people on the forums who you may not know in game. But either way good luck. This is a really good application form :D
  15. Ryanminty123

    A Project...

    Please do not advertise on the forums... It makes you look like your begging for a build team.
  16. Ryanminty123

    Awesome Trick/TIP For A Free Plot!

    It's over 9000!
  17. Ryanminty123

    My Adventures Outside of The Hub

    Isn't going outside the hub against the rules? If not sorry for posting this but I think that going outside the hub is against the rules because it counts as an exploit? Again sorry if this post isn't justified...
  18. Ryanminty123

    Awesome Trick/TIP For A Free Plot!

    I think that this is a pretty nifty idea, Although the lighting will cause quite a few problems :/
  19. Ryanminty123

    I have maps for the server

    Google Translate is love, Google Translate is life!
  20. Ryanminty123

    Battleborn Recruitment

    I like how the faction looks, Good Job!