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  1. Wizful

    You ever thought about the 4th dimension?

    You ever thought about the 4th dimension?
  2. Wizful

    Manacube Newsletter

    Dakota is very good about being transparent with server affairs. You can see it clearly in all of his forum posts, from everything to recent demotions or promotions of staff, to analytics about voting and server utility. In this case, I believe a News Letter would just be repeating the content...
  3. Wizful

    Finished Ho-Ho-Holidays Build Contest!

    “Ho Ho Holidays” When you’re trying to be more inclusive but you realize only one holiday figure says “Ho Ho Ho”... and it ain’t a figure of Hanukkah or Kwanzaa. Until all holiday traditions uphold veganism I won’t be satisfied. Lul.
  4. Wizful

    OG Title

    If you go to the store, it is a claimable package that will re-add it back to your account if you changed your name
  5. Wizful

    Petition To Remove The Filter

    Couple things wrong with your approach. Firstly, if you want something changed, try to refrain from calling Dakota “Lazy.” He is quite literally the only reason the server exists, and has put countless hours into ensuring its success. I don’t believe “Lazy” is the right word. Secondly...
  6. Wizful

    Vive como si no hubiera un mañana, dicen.

    Vive como si no hubiera un mañana, dicen.
  7. Wizful

    Picture a man running 100 miles an hour on a squishy floor, and tripping and falling forever...

    Picture a man running 100 miles an hour on a squishy floor, and tripping and falling forever. That describes how I feel on fridays.
  8. Wizful

    Rejected Tutorial Map

    I think the parkour jumps are well designed, but the theme could use some work. If I were you, I would look for some inspiration, and incorporate the jumps into a well themed build. Good luck, - Wizful
  9. Wizful

    Rejected Parkour Map - Eiffel Tower (Creative Plot)

    I agree with shinxray, but I think you’re on to something with the “monument” theme. Maybe try to block by block a google image of a famous structure and add some varied parkour, you might get a map accepted one of these days. Good luck -Wizful
  10. Wizful

    Finished Pictures with Santa

    What do you mean Dacon will be putting on his Santa ‘suit’. Where is the real Santa?! :eek:
  11. Wizful


  12. Wizful

    Since 2013, manacube has been the only server in my server box. Welcome to the community!

    Since 2013, manacube has been the only server in my server box. Welcome to the community!
  13. Wizful

    Running off two Monster, two Rockstar, and two hours of sleep.

    Running off two Monster, two Rockstar, and two hours of sleep.
  14. Wizful

    Baby come back!

    Baby come back!
  15. Wizful

    Rejected YourFamilyFarm

    My family farm grows Garlic. I don’t see no garlic >:(. Nah but nice job and good luck. +1
  16. Wizful

    Well said.

    Well said.
  17. Wizful

    If you haven’t already, read Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”, a tragic tale of his coming to grips...

    If you haven’t already, read Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”, a tragic tale of his coming to grips with the untimely death of his lover.
  18. Wizful

    Rejected Damn Daniel

    There are other ways to say the build is subpar beside calling it “horrific.” You say “no offense”, but if it were I, I would be very offended. Please be hesitant of your word choice, and mindful of others.
  19. Wizful

    Indeed. A monster is not created by ones self, instead a monster is created by experiencing...

    Indeed. A monster is not created by ones self, instead a monster is created by experiencing misery, tragedy, exclusion, sorrow, and hatred. Should we combat these feelings with the inclusion of those who are experiencing them, we may yet stop the creation of monsters.
  20. Wizful

    A ponderous thought. I guess, the Grinch didn't steal Christmas because he was born hardhearted...

    A ponderous thought. I guess, the Grinch didn't steal Christmas because he was born hardhearted, he was excluded and conditioned to hate by those who raised him. It is this reflection that sparks a thought, how often can we avoid the creation of hate?