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  1. Nixi

    Rejected Imperial - Hard

    Hello, This map sure looks cool, but I don't think the parkour part really matches the theme you make with the sea lanterns. Also the map is extremely wide, so it might not fit to the actual parkour server. The difficulty of the map suits the hard difficulty, but it may be a little too short...
  2. Nixi

    Changed my name - can I get mapper back?

    Oh, okay, then I just gotta grind the parkour again :D
  3. Nixi

    Rejected Medieval Sky Lands

    Hello, I think this map is really well designed and fun to play, maybe you should consider changing the sign at the end from "LEAP!" to "DOUBLE-LEAP!", because now it took me atleast 30 seconds to figure out how I was supposed to get to the finish, which is way too much considering I'm a map...
  4. Nixi

    Rejected Nature Survival Parkour - Hard

    Hello, I played the map and I think it's fairly good, but the theme is so overused that sadly I don't see this going through. Also, the difficulty hard (red wool) is wrong, I would call this easy (lime wool). ;)
  5. Nixi

    Closed Metropolis Map

    Hello, I think the map is in general a pretty cool map, but I'm not really sure if the theme is that unique. Here are a few things you could take a look at: Remove the random stone from under the car, or make an actual road there. Try using the different types of stone bricks in the stone...
  6. Nixi

    Rejected Victory Royale

    Hello, I don't think that this map is too big and that the medium difficulty is the right one for this. I would myself probably find another way to prevent exploiting than barriers, because they always confuse new players. The theme is kinda cool (atleast for those who play fortnite, I don't)...
  7. Nixi

    Rejected TeletubbiePK

    Hello! In my opinion this map is a bit too easy to even be an easy map, because all the jumps are so short and there are so many checkpoints. Maybe make it a bit harder and longer, the theme is still fun! ;)
  8. Nixi

    Rejected White hell //Hard

    I think you should also remove the grass, since it's easier to copy-paste to the parkour world without it! Also from the screenshots I don't really see why the title is "White Hell" because it looks more like white heaven in my opinion.
  9. Nixi

    Changed my name - can I get mapper back?

    Also I used to have Insane rank so that could be nice too, but the mapper is more important :p
  10. Nixi

    Changed my name - can I get mapper back?

    Hello everyone, If anyone remembers me from a couple years I am Nixi02, nowadays Nixiiii (4 i at the end). I don't really know where to post this since I haven't been on this server for a few years, but now that I'm back I would like to get my mapper rank back too! You can check my profile to...
  11. Nixi

    Closed redstone dream

    If the post was following the correct format what you can find here I think it should get accepted, because the builds are pretty cool and I think it would be fun to play in on the parkour server!
  12. Nixi

    [Suggestion] Reward for jumping.

    You can try yourself that if you keep space down you jump every time when you hit the ground. =)
  13. Nixi

    There are to many rude people on all server

    Ehh... What's your point? Your title doesn't fit the post in any way so please tell us what is wrong... Also you didn't tell us where is the jump you glitch and if you can do it why you complaining?
  14. Nixi

    [Suggestion] Reward for jumping.

    They put some sort of weight on their space and then just leave the computer and when they come back they have got thousands of jumps more.
  15. Nixi

    Taking Ages to Add

    The maps get added in large groups and staff has their own lives, I think that when they have more time (maybe summer holiday?) they add like all the maps what have been accepted! =) And also there is many maps from around July, what have not been added yet! ;)
  16. Nixi

    -=- What Is The Longest Parkour Map? Easy - Insane.

    If you want a really really hard map, I recommend Phone Parkour Insane, 200+ jumps, if you get to second checkpoint you have just earned a cookie! =)
  17. Nixi


    I think you just have to earn those things on both servers, because you cannot "transfer" things from Parkour 1 to Parkour 2, because they are their own "servers". :(
  18. Nixi

    Important Parkours

    There is a few waiting already, maybe staff could add even a few donator maps now and don't have to wait to that moment when there is 20 new donator maps waiting to get added and that takes much longer time for Dacon to put on the server? :rolleyes:
  19. Nixi

    Winter Key Item Glitch

    Are you sure they were 20 levels of xp, because if they were just 20 xp it can maybe get you two levels up?
  20. Nixi

    Rejected My Parkour Map

    Hello @TacticalGaming18, I see this is your first ever parkour map, but I'm sorry to say that your sumbission doesn't follow the correct format. You have to include all things you can find here in your post to get the map judged. ;)