Search results

  1. Nixi

    Rejected bull parkour

    This parkour is in wrong place, to get judged it needs to be in "Map Sumbissions" place!
  2. Nixi

    Rejected Temple Parkour Map Easy By Hatty_Cat (submission)

    This parkour is in wrong place, to get judged it needs to be in "Map Sumbissions" place!
  3. Nixi

    Rejected Parkour Map Submission

    First off I find one problem in the screenshots, the starting place's floor seems to be inside of the ground, what makes the parkour extremely hard to copy-paste to parkour server. Also the nether--->overworld theme has been used many times before but I don't personally care if the theme is...
  4. Nixi

    Truffula Trees Map.

    I don't think anyone is judging Skywars maps anymore! :(
  5. Nixi

    Rejected Earthquake

    If you didn't see this map was rejected about a month ago and sumbitted in October... Just saying...
  6. Nixi

    Rejected Rainbow Pillar Parkour [Easy]

    For me this looks very very cool! The map feels fun and fresh, quartz fits well with those glass blocks! Only problem is that there is so many rainbow courses, if that wasn't the case, this would in my opinion be absolutely accepted parkour! ;)
  7. Nixi

    Forum Downtime & Other Happenings

    If you mean that the forum was hacked, yes. I personally saw it starting because I was online when this happened. The whole forums just started going crazy and then they changed the whole forum for their "Custom one". I'm so glad that you guys @Morph (Dyn) and @Dacon found the problem and...
  8. Nixi

    Accepted LOVE PARKOUR

    You can always make as many maps as you want, even if you have twenty accepted maps you can always make a new one! =) And I see you put some work to this map, I'm impressed of you. The first map you made... Wasn't that great. This is so different... Good job Bro! :D
  9. Nixi

    Omfg... You didn't even know the server ip? You don't know how pissed you have made people...

    Omfg... You didn't even know the server ip? You don't know how pissed you have made people... *facepalm* If you didn't know, you cannot judge parkour maps if you don't play them. So, stop. Just stop. Right now. STOP.
  10. Nixi

    Accepted Lucianbrine's Parkour

    Why you couldn't post other peoples maps? There is no rule that says "You have to post only your own parkour maps"!
  11. Nixi

    Accepted Lucianbrine's Parkour

    Who made this map? I mean the player name of the creator?
  12. Nixi

    Accepted Dinosaur Parkour /warp DinosaurParkour

    Why the heck you have to say bro in every single one of your messages at least once... o_O
  13. Nixi

    Rejected [Hard] Hello Kitty PK

    Doesn't this look exactly the same? I think so. Found it just searching google. :eek:
  14. Nixi

    Please take an imgur picture from your parkour if you really are a "Parkour build pro". And also...

    Please take an imgur picture from your parkour if you really are a "Parkour build pro". And also I just don't think you are 19 years old... Don't say it was a missclick...
  15. Nixi

    hi everyone

    Well... If you have ever even visited parkour server you would know that we have only ten rainbow parkour maps and it's the most used theme on the server... And also if you really are a "Parkour building pro" show us something you have created, because now I think you are just a selfish guy...
  16. Nixi

    Parkour Mappers [Official List]

    I don't think you get gems from parkour maps anymore. :( Or I don't know anyone who would got gems from parkour maps in last... year maybe?
  17. Nixi

    Nice, you are a map judge! =D

    Nice, you are a map judge! =D
  18. Nixi

    Another New Parkour BatPK! /warp BatPK (Two Difficultys)

    Hey Angel... I don't know about the theme, but this is definitely (in my opinion) your best map you have made. The bats look cool and unique (I just hope you didn't use a tutorial... :p) and "two difficulties" feel just right for this map. Only thing that you could improve is that you can change...
  19. Nixi

    Emoji Parkour

    That link doesn't work for me... If someone knows the right link I would happily check that out! ;)
  20. Nixi

    Mods please help!

    Let me see you didn't know that the last post was sent in the 24th of August...