Search results

  1. Nixi

    Accepted EnchantedPK (Easy)

    Do not be jealous, you do the maps for other people on the server to play them, so @Supagamer900 did this map for you too! You should be thankful for him... :confused:
  2. Nixi

    Rejected Parkour: Contrast

    I don't understand you Preston, if you are here why you can't judge it now! :D
  3. Nixi

    Gems for Parkour Maps

    Only one of those maps is on the server so you cannot get gems for them!
  4. Nixi

    Waiter, There's a ______ in my soup!

    Do /ban Dacon! Waiter! There is a crocodile in my soup!
  5. Nixi

    [Completed] "The Welcome Back" Parkour Tournament! Hosted By: The PK Mods

    Finally this is around! I thought about this in another thread and it's here! I'm really looking forward to this!
  6. Nixi

    Rejected Crafting Table Parkour

    If there can be like 5 end parkours, 5 rainbow parkours and a couple tower parkours why would we not have two crafting table parkours! Also when this parkour is ranked easy everyone can play it, the one at insane is playable for only Skilled+!
  7. Nixi

    Rejected Shattered Fortress Parkour

    The name doesn't have to be at the parkour, if we think about it I can say a couple without: Easys; Cake, Stone Tower, Mario Block, Creeper, Ghast... Those were only easys, but every single one of them has same thing... They don't even have a starting place! This is where I get to my point. All...
  8. Nixi

    Accepted New Parkour! CastleCrashersPK Do you play Castle Crashers? Expert/Insane

    1. Impossible jump; if you can do the head hitter you hit your head to next block on top of your head before the block where you are jumping! 2. The statues are from this youtube video, maybe give credits to them? 3. The parkour feels boring, every single one of the statues has same sort of...
  9. Nixi

    Rejected Quest for Steve [Easy] by Wafflethecat

    No, it is not. In you map @Angel_Scarz you have islands over and over, in this one you have just one island at the end!
  10. Nixi


    Caitey is Donator but she just hasn't got the Donator-tag.
  11. Nixi

    Please, I hit something wrong.

    Hopefully you took something like a screenshot when you bought the rank again, because I think that staff cannot give you the gems/rankup if you can't prove it! :confused:
  12. Nixi

    Is your age right? It says you are 27 years old??? ;o

    Is your age right? It says you are 27 years old??? ;o
  13. Nixi

    Rejected The Enderman's Gauntlet {Expert}

    Hello! I know that because you don't have that many maps created you may don't know this, but nowadays Billy is busy with his IRL (you have to understand that he has his own life too...) and he cannot judge parkour maps at the moment. I think that when there comes a holiday/weekend he starts...
  14. Nixi

    [Suggestions] Parkour server

    I would love to have something like monthly parkour races hosted by the staff! There could be like 1 vs.1 races; always when you win your race you could get to the next round where you race against someone who won his first race too! There was already one tournament (link) but it was in May so...
  15. Nixi

    Note to map creators:

    I personally think that if you want you can make a christmas map even after christmas because the maps are on the parkour server all the year. Second you never know when the maps get added, sometimes adding new maps can take 6 months, sometimes 1 month, so you never know when you should sumbit...
  16. Nixi

    Rejected ☯ Abandoned Town Parkour Map ☯

    And... yeah. I tried to test this parkour and I found... Nothing. This parkour isn't anywhere, maybe you deleted it @Dr_Milkshake? The warp leads here:
  17. Nixi

    Rejected The Quest For The Diamond Sword Parkour! (Medium Rated)

    @Angel_Scarz, I know you have skills to make nice parkour maps, but like @zootbot said, your rate of doing parkour maps is like 6 in a week. I personally use about a week for every single one of my own maps so I find every single mistake and I can improve my maps. Even once try to find a good...
  18. Nixi

    Rejected Bowser's Castle Parkour!

    Thank you for your feedback! I fixed all things you said in your post, sorry about those barriers, they were there because I changed up the ladder jumps and didn't remember to take the barriers off! :p
  19. Nixi

    Accepted Pumpkin Pie Parkour! /warp PumpkinPieParkour

    Mmh... I found a few things to get fixed! ;) 1. Why did you use sandstone and wood for the pies? I would use something like different clays and wools but that's not a big problem. 2. Bigger problem is that this jump isn't possible without /speed!
  20. Nixi

    Rejected HalloweenParkour Official With Characters [ EASY ]

    In the screenshots you can clearly see that the parkour is on his plot! :p The player name I see in the picture... It seems like it's kThePenguinYT. Please tell us your in game name @BowHacker so we can test your map! ;)