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  1. Careening

    not it could be a stack of items to gift or limited to only 1 item is up to you. Also, if...

    not it could be a stack of items to gift or limited to only 1 item is up to you. Also, if possible, if you could find a way to limithow many times someone gifts one particular person or anyone to maybe 1-5 times, that would be perfect! I see it as a problem that people would spam the /gift, but...
  2. Careening

    Hey Dacon! I would like to present an idea for you: For the holiday season (on Creative), can...

    Hey Dacon! I would like to present an idea for you: For the holiday season (on Creative), can you please make a /gift command for the month of December? The way it would work is Person A holds an item in their hand. The they do "/gift Player B" (the command would be "/gift <player>"). Then...
  3. Careening

    P.P.S I feel it's important to mention that I believe that this is not a problem for anyone else...

    P.P.S I feel it's important to mention that I believe that this is not a problem for anyone else other than me, but I can't be sure because if they were stuck they couldn't type anything either
  4. Careening

    P.P.S I feel it's important to mention that I believe that this is not a problem for anyone else...

    P.P.S I feel it's important to mention that I believe that this is not a problem for anyone else other than me, but I can't be sure because if they were stuck they couldn't type anything either
  5. Careening

    P.S. I also sent this to Bacon.

    P.S. I also sent this to Bacon.
  6. Careening

    P.S. I also sent this to Dacon

    P.S. I also sent this to Dacon
  7. Careening

    Help! In Creative, I did "/warp domoheadshop" and I am completely glitches. I am unable to type...

    Help! In Creative, I did "/warp domoheadshop" and I am completely glitches. I am unable to type anything and I was barely able to open my Menu screen to disconnect. Even when I logged back on I was still stuck. Please teleport me to you when you're on the server! Or send staff to do it! Thx u...
  8. Careening

    Help! In Creative, I did "/warp domoheadshop" and I am completely glitches. I am unable to type...

    Help! In Creative, I did "/warp domoheadshop" and I am completely glitches. I am unable to type anything and I was barely able to open my Menu screen to disconnect. Even when I logged back on I was still stuck. Please teleport me to you when you're on the server! Or send staff to do it! Thx u...
  9. Careening

    Oh, btw, if you have to give me my 136 gems back by replacing my already existing ones, then...

    Oh, btw, if you have to give me my 136 gems back by replacing my already existing ones, then just let it be known as of 11/4/14 I have 20 gems (from double gems week). Thx u!
  10. Careening

    Hi Dacon! So I was off of Minevast for about 2-3 weeks for school, and I just came back on to...

    Hi Dacon! So I was off of Minevast for about 2-3 weeks for school, and I just came back on to Creative today, only to find I had lost all of my gems! I will be completely honest about how I had 136 gems, and this isn't a fake number to get a ton of gems. Can you help me please? Thanks!
  11. Careening

    I had "Good" rank on Parkourse, but now I have "Ameture" rank. HALP!

    I had "Good" rank on Parkourse, but now I have "Ameture" rank. HALP!
  12. Careening

    Oh, I also just noticed something. A couple months ago, you added in lava to creative. Now (at...

    Oh, I also just noticed something. A couple months ago, you added in lava to creative. Now (at least with a lava bucket) you can't place lava anymore. No lava on the world was deleted, as far as i know, and you can still spawn in lava with "//set lava" World Edit command. So that also needs...
  13. Careening

    In Creative, I had Permanent Advanced World Edit, now I can't do Advanced W/e commands like...

    In Creative, I had Permanent Advanced World Edit, now I can't do Advanced W/e commands like "//undo" or "//brush …", however, I can do simple W/e commands such as "//wand" and "//set (block)". I believe I have basic W/e now. So if you could help me get back Perm. Adv. W/e that would be great(I...
  14. Careening

    W/e then can you at least refund me my 120 gems so I can attempt to buy it from "/shop"? Anyway...

    W/e then can you at least refund me my 120 gems so I can attempt to buy it from "/shop"? Anyway, I know you have others who have bigger problems, so minorities this problem if you need. Thanks anyway! I'm excited for the new update though! Bai! ~Careening
  15. Careening

    October 15th Explanation Post

    In Creative, I had Permanent Advanced World Edit, now I can't do Advanced W/e commands like "//undo" or "//brush …", however, I can do simple W/e commands such as "//wand" and "//set (block)". I believe I have basic W/e now. So if you could help me get back Perm. Adv. W/e that would be great(I...
  16. Careening

    Some people are saying that it was also down last night. The staff might possibly be updating a...

    Some people are saying that it was also down last night. The staff might possibly be updating a game or the entire server to 1.8. Who knows.
  17. Careening

    Can't Connect. Help?

    Yeah, I've been sitting here for half an hour trying to join. Even changing the version from 1.8 to 1.7.10 won't work.
  18. Careening

    Can't Connect. Help?

    Hey, um, I tried to connect to the server this morning and it won't let me join. I tried refreshing my server list and even reset my Minecraft twice. Can someone please tell me if something is being updated or not? Thanks!
  19. Careening

    Happy Halloween everyone!

    Happy Halloween everyone!
  20. Careening

    Kit PvP Problem

    I go on everyday, usually different times, and there are ALWAYS at least 5 people with OP armor. I even go on in the morning when there are only around 8-11 people and at least half of them have OP armor, sometimes more than half of people.