Search results

  1. sophiaaah <3

    cubit gift card

    I'm not completely sure but the first step would probably be to file a support ticket you can find the link to create a support ticket here
  2. sophiaaah <3

    Accepted FrootLoops - Medium

    I agree and disagree. I think repeating themes is good because like obviously with this many maps released it hard to find something that no ones ever done before and everyone has different takes on it, but like if you have the same idea repeated several times its repetitive.
  3. sophiaaah <3

    Accepted HawksMom - Easy

    google hawks mom from seven deadly sins its also not a hat, shes holding a tavern, show more respect >:(
  4. sophiaaah <3

    Closed LoveForRanged - Insane (like my love for her)

    imagine getting proposed to on the ranged proposal map
  5. sophiaaah <3

    Closed LoveForRanged - Insane (like my love for her)

    party pooper you're just jealous of our epic looking map
  6. sophiaaah <3

    Closed LoveForRanged - Insane (like my love for her)

    sophiaaah, rangedhealer77, Bioopbee, InkTest Name: LoveForRanged /plot h sophiaaah 5 Difficulty: Insane Number of jumps: 2 Checkpoints: 7
  7. sophiaaah <3

    Accepted FrootLoops - Medium

    only a spoonful
  8. sophiaaah <3

    Accepted FrootLoops - Medium

    sophiaaah, caseyclosed, BlackAndWhiteCat, doobix Name: FrootLoops /plot h FrootLoops Difficulty: Medium Number of jumps: 30 Checkpoints: 5
  9. sophiaaah <3

    Accepted HawksMom - Easy

    sophiaaah, caseyclosed Name: HawksMom /plot home sophiaaah 3 Difficulty: Easy Number of jumps: 34
  10. sophiaaah <3


    thats the truest statement anyones every said <3
  11. sophiaaah <3


    creative has 20 players on a good day :sob:
  12. sophiaaah <3

    5 Cubits Giveaway!

    fr!!! twix is so good
  13. sophiaaah <3

    5 Cubits Giveaway!

    Ign: sophiaaah Favorite staff: ranged or elly Favorite candy: twix
  14. sophiaaah <3

    Mana 25 Cubit Giveaway

    I'm thankful for all of the friends i've made on the server and the amazing opportunities ive been given. My ign is sophiaaah and i play on creative and sometimes parkour. 10+10=21 idk why u makin us do such basic math smh
  15. sophiaaah <3

    #SophiaForOwner #BanJacon

    love u too bud! :)
  16. sophiaaah <3

    hi sir hi sir hi sir

    hi sir hi sir hi sir
  17. sophiaaah <3

    Staff application advice

    Maturity is something they check for within a staff, if a staff was being rude to you then you could always report it. When your application goes into review, they watch you and look through your chat logs see if you have maturity so it was completely unprofessional for the staff to act that way...
  18. sophiaaah <3

    Staff application advice

    I don't think being mature is something that is big on the application as it is for when you're application goes into review. When you apply the only thing they're looking for is passing application requirements. Maturity is open ended so it can be hard to tell within an application since...