Search results

  1. Emmalouise

    Accepted Difficult Desserts (Parkour)

    nononononononono don't delete it
  2. Emmalouise

    Accepted The Hundred Acre Woods Parkour

    Thank you for submitting this parkour, It is possibly the cutest parkour I will ever accept. I love winnie the pooh and it's fun to play so thank you :D
  3. Emmalouise

    Rejected "Beat" it - Parkour Map

    Sorry but I'm denying this parkour as we already have a jukebox parkour but it was a good parkour so I hope you make another :3
  4. Emmalouise

    Rejected Laptop Parkour

    format is fine but I'm sorry I'm rejecting this parkour as I've accepted a few game type plots recently at the parkour itself isn't great.
  5. Emmalouise

    Rejected Cherry Islands - Resubmission

    I'm sorry but I'm rejecting this parkour as the build isn't great and it's not very fun to play, thank you for submitting though!
  6. Emmalouise

    Dakota is my private stripper

    Pretty sure he was, and the fact Tyler told him to come back but he didn't because he's a diva.
  7. Emmalouise

    Accepted PC Parkour

    Thank you for submitting this parkour, I will be accepting it. I like the theme and it's fun to play.
  8. Emmalouise

    GameCube Parkour.

    Thank you for submitting this parkour, I will be accepting this parkour as it's a good idea and fun to play.
  9. Emmalouise

    Dakota is my private stripper

    yeah he did it to me too, never thought I'd see dakota pole dance.
  10. Emmalouise

    Rejected Chroma Madness Parkour Map *Insane/Expert*

    I'm really sorry but I'm rejecting this parkour as it's way too long and gets boring and lacks in theme, however I think if you added a theme and shortened it then it could be good.
  11. Emmalouise

    Accepted Miney Golf - Easy Parkour Submission

    Thank you for submitting this parkour, I'm accepting it but I changed it to a medium as it's a bit difficult for an easy.
  12. Emmalouise

    Accepted Endo Steve Parkour

    thank you for submitting this parkour, it is being accepted as it's a cool idea and fun to play.
  13. Emmalouise

    Rejected 2D

    I'm sorry but I'm denying this map as it is extremely similar to a parkour we already have, Thank you for submitting though!
  14. Emmalouise

    Accepted Polar Bear Parkour

    Thank you for submitting, I changed it slightly because some of the jumps were too hard for a medium but I am accepting this parkour.
  15. Emmalouise

    Rejected Map Submission- Graveyard

    Have you removed it or have you not been on creative in a while?
  16. Emmalouise

    Accepted Treehouse Parkour

    Thank you for submitting this map, I'm accepting it as a donor course as the build would fit in there. Thank you c:
  17. Emmalouise

    Rejected Updated Staff Parkour

    Can you log on your plot ok ty xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
  18. Emmalouise

    Accepted Difficult Desserts (Parkour)

    Have you removed the plot?
  19. Emmalouise

    Rejected Sakourami Park ~ Medium Parkour ~

    Have you deleted the plot?
  20. Emmalouise

    Rejected Peashooter Parkour

    I can't find the pk