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  1. Emmalouise

    Accepted Temple o Parkour

    I'm accepting this map as it's cute, fun to play and it looks good, thank you for submitting!
  2. Emmalouise

    Accepted Temple o Parkour

    just use a wand, click left on the corner block of grass on the floor, go to the opposite corner and build to the complete bottom, right click the bedrock with the wand then //set 0
  3. Emmalouise

    Accepted Island Parkour - Made by Zudox & Mythical_Art26

    I'm accepting this parkour, thank you for submitting. It's fun to play and I like the theme. =^-^=
  4. Emmalouise

    Rejected The Castle [Medium]

    I'm sorry but I'm rejecting this parkour as we have a few castle type theme parkours, thank you for submitting though and you're improving each time :3
  5. Emmalouise

    Finished Parkour and Seek

    It's never on insane or expert parkours don't worry c:
  6. Emmalouise

    Mojang Eula Enforcement

    there are no EULA perks and claim rank it fixed.
  7. Emmalouise


  8. Emmalouise

    Rejected Updated Staff Parkour

    Finally accepting it xD, thank you for fixing it c:
  9. Emmalouise

    Mojang Eula Enforcement

    that penguin is so cute
  10. Emmalouise

    Rejected Ice Jumps Parkour Map

    I'm rejecting this post as I cannot find the map, It isn't at /plot home JonnyDaPickle
  11. Emmalouise

    Rejected Crazy Clay PK

    I'm sorry but I'm rejecting this parkour as it has no theme, also try not to add so many pictures next time please xD
  12. Emmalouise

    Accepted Battleship Pk- Insane

    I'm accepting this parkour as it is fun to play and looks good, thank you! c:
  13. Emmalouise

    Rejected Expert-Insane Parkour

    I'm sorry but I'm rejecting this as wood isn't really a theme and it isn't very attractive, thank you for submitting though
  14. Emmalouise

    Rejected Easy paradise map

    I'm sorry but I'm rejecting this map as I see no theme
  15. Emmalouise

    Rejected Abandoned Castle Parkour

    I'm sorry but I'm rejecting this map as we already have a few maps like this and it's the room on the right is slightly confusing?
  16. Emmalouise

    Rejected The Emoji Parkour

    I cannot find the parkour so I'm rejecting the post
  17. Emmalouise

    Rejected Our parkour map...

    I'm sorry but I'm going to reject this map as it doesn't really have a theme, thank you for submitting though!
  18. Emmalouise

    Rejected Parkour Map: Factory Escape - Diffuculty Hard

    I'm rejecting this post as I cannot find the parkour
  19. Emmalouise

    Accepted Snake Temple

    I'm accepting this parkour, but as a donor parkour. Thank you for submitting c:
  20. Emmalouise

    Rejected MickeyMoose555's Parkour

    I'm rejecting this as there is no clear theme