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  1. YYusufkhaNN


  2. YYusufkhaNN


    I recently got banned for using forcefield and I have know clue what that is. The day I got banned (28th Jan) I got kicked a couple of times for using forcefield and got a straight ban for 14 days. You might seem as if this is alright but I have seen many hackers on Minevast getting kicked like...
  3. YYusufkhaNN


    So true, great explanation.
  4. YYusufkhaNN

    Kitpvp Endangered

    For the past few months, I have been frequently going on Minevast Kitpvp. However, the last few weeks there has been a flooding of how many hackers are coming on the server. You might think I am being a hackusator, but my friends (ItsSpyro_ and ZeeFlex) and I have been reporting many times...