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  1. EPGaming

    Count to 50 before a staff posts!

    Oml 1
  2. EPGaming

    EP's introduction?

    Well my name is EPGaming. Youri irl tho. I guess I'm a bit late with this since I already have 110 hours on the server, but better late the never. So like I said. My name is EP, nicked reports most of the time. I like to be on the parkour server most of the time if you haven't seen me yet. My...
  3. EPGaming

    Rejected Perspective

    I can't see the problem with just taking new pictures and editting the old ones out? Just take screenshots and put those on here.
  4. EPGaming

    Rejected SunflowerPlainz (Easy)

    Well maybe it's just because I'm trash at pk lol. I like easy pk now and then.
  5. EPGaming

    Rejected Marble column: Medium(unsure)

    I'm quite stuck on my decision but here's why. Surely an original theme. But you just built it a way that it doesn't represent very good. The shadow of the pillar itself is very distracting and could be worked on. Overal build only made out of white wool. I'm giving this a -1
  6. EPGaming

    Rejected SunflowerPlainz (Easy)

    Could improve in details missing like usage of other family colors, overal parkour good. Good job +1.
  7. EPGaming

    Parkour Game

    Why is it plastic ;-; serpant expert
  8. EPGaming

    Closed Bartolomeo | Expert

    Yeah guessed the people didn't understand x). It's a barrier, he used a barrier power when he crosses his finger. That's the huge blue obstacle x)
  9. EPGaming

    Parkour Game

    The smell of M is gone and the new smell of N should come! Nuttela easy
  10. EPGaming

    Accepted Nightmare Before Christmas / Hard parkour

    Nicely built and an original theme I THINK. I'm giving you this +1 for originality and for building skills caus look at that x).
  11. EPGaming

    Closed Bartolomeo | Expert

    Owners: EPGaming Map Name: Bartolomeo How to get there: /plot v EPGaming 4 Difficulty: Expert Jumps: ~90 It's an one piece character with the ability to make blue barriers when he crosses his fingers.
  12. EPGaming

    Create a story

    At burgerking next to a penguin...
  13. EPGaming

    Ban the Person Above | 500,000 Views

    Banned for alergic to Fish
  14. EPGaming

    Count to 50 before a staff posts!

    Oml 4 Eks Dee
  15. EPGaming

    Parkour Game

    I shall prevent global warming by putting these torches OUT in lucky blocks!
  16. EPGaming

    Jared Smith - Build Team Application

    Oml I just got rick rolled
  17. EPGaming

    Finished Survival Drop Party

    Can't wait either for this dropparty on april 14 xD
  18. EPGaming

    Rejected Fortnite Parkour - Easy/Medium

    Very nice idea, maybe you could've made some youtube clickbait since it's all over it xC. I loved it when you started the build in the beginning when you asked for a test but after that it kinda downgraded I guess? Sorry it's a -1 from me.
  19. EPGaming

    Rejected TrashCan | Easy

    Here we go again! Owners: EPGaming Map Name: ThrashCan How to get there: /plot v EPGaming 5 Difficulty: easy Jumps: ~30 If you want the colors of the can itself changed please contact me. I can understand if they don't fit!
  20. EPGaming

    Closed Quartz Heaven

    Uuuuhm, before judging this. What theme is it? Quartz and?