I thought you quit.
I don't really think so, I think that +1 is enough for now, I see a lot of players stating +1 or -1 including the reason. But I don't think we should use a format. I get that you like the vote to be well writen, but I think the majority of manacube players state their vote...
So saying "I don't even know how to install hacks" is a bad excuse. Literly everybody says that. False banned or not, make an appeal. You shouldn't be posting this in the parkour section. Thats just letting everybody know. Just message Dacon (If you can). No need to post it in the parkour...
Yeah, thats exactly what I'm talking about, hypixel's chat has a cooldown depending what rank you are, and manacube doesn't have a cooldown. And yes I'm reading stuff because I know dang right that thats hypixel.