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  1. G6_


    "wrong option fuckboi" and the rm -rf * command just deletes all files
  2. G6_

    I got bored and coded something, I coded a funny else statement LMFAOOO

    LMFAOOOOOOOOO "wrong option fuckboi" and the rm -rf * command just deletes all files LMAOOO
  3. G6_

    Been some time, MC.

    Hey all! I know I haven't been posting much here on this wonderful server, but I have a few reasons why I haven't been online much here. My ex-girlfriend who was mine on the day of the incident had died due to a drunk driver running her over. He got 20 years I think. Not enough to bring the...
  4. G6_

    Do you have CXRs?

    Yes, I am now interested into the medical field and the programming field together :/ I coded a website to detect lung diseases from CXRs using ANN(Artificial Neural Network) models. I already tested it against an extremely sick person that unfortunately had 6+ diseases along with an enlarged...
  5. G6_

    How are y'all doing?

    I haven't had much communication here! How is everyone? ^^
  6. G6_

    Sing I like me better

    I'm obsessed with this song, so let's sing I like me better line by line :) To be young and in love in New York City (in New York City)
  7. G6_


  8. G6_

    The fuck just happened? LOL

    Hello, Sorry for the excessive posts, but I AM SERIOUSLY CURIOUS ON HOW THE FUCK THIS HAPPENED. I was so distracted by programming, I didn't even know I was getting an asthma attack. The only way I found out was my hands started tingling and I felt dizzy(from the loss of oxygen) as heck. That...
  9. G6_

    Need advice for getting past heartbreak!

    Hello, I'm kinda heartbroken right now, and need advice on how to recover from the pain. Yesterday is when the event happened, and I don't wanna talk about it as it is a quite sensitive topic and even mentioning it kills me internally.
  10. G6_

    Need some advice :(

    Hey, I need grown up advice :( How would you go about telling someone that their partner is cheating on them without hurting them? I really want them to know without hurting them.
  11. G6_

    Just a quick warning about buying MOBOTIX D12 cameras.

    Hello, If you wish to buy a MOBOTIX D12 Camera, please be careful, as they are HIGHLY exploitable. I coded an exploit for them and ran it, and I got their credentials in less than one minute. I logged in, but didn't do anything because I didn't want to make it illegal, but I could play random...
  12. G6_

    Who coded this website?

    I would like to get in touch with the person who coded this website, as I really like their programming skills and would love to meet up with them. :)