
  1. HelloKittyRo

    [Event] KitPvP Round 1 (Ev. 1)

    Hello everyone! It is me, Ro! Today I decided to start an event which I hope you will all like the idea of! I am hosting an event called the KitPvP Rounds. The rounds never end, it basically depends on how long the event goes on for. Round 1 and (Ev. 1) are the same thing, just in different...
  2. Wizful

    Finished The PvP Throne - KitPvP Event

    PvP Throne Saturday, February 4th 2:00 pm EST (Is your timezone different than EST? Click here!) Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am excited to announce PvP Throne, an upcoming tournament style event! Here are the details: The ManaCube staff team will also be hosting a separate PvP...