
  1. Dacon

    KitPvP Season 13

    Release Date: August 23rd @ 2:00PM EST ! Make sure you vault your SVA items before this time ! A QA beta test will go live later today Probably the most requested change, we're finally releasing a new map and spawn! See a 3D showcase of the world below: The Kit Pit is an isolated...
  2. xDirtyDoug

    xDougx KitPvP Tournament Results!!!

    The tournament has concluded and these are the results!! 1st: Cosov 2nd: Cheggomode 3rd: bullet__ Thanks to all who participated! I will be hosting many more so stay tuned!!!
  3. xDirtyDoug

    xDougx KitPvP tournament

    Hey guys the tournament I was supposed to host is now happening! Please click the link below to sign up and be added to a bracket! The winner will be determined from your average placement! We won’t have winners for each category, I’m doing this so everyone has a fair chance at placing. Please...
  4. xDirtyDoug

    Sorry guys

    As some of you know I got Manarayed today. I was talking to a community OG and he helped me diagnose what happened. For the most part I thought I was a legit player. We were going through everything that could’ve triggered it. We realized that I had made some edits to my System Registry to help...
  5. xDirtyDoug

    xDougx KitPvP Tournament

    Hey guys the tournament I was supposed to host is now happening! Please click the link below to sign up and be added to a bracket! The winner will be determined from your average placement! We won’t have winners for each category, I’m doing this so everyone has a fair chance at placing. Please...
  6. xDirtyDoug

    KitPvP Tournament?

    I'm looking to get the ball rolling on getting more features added to pvp. The First and easiest would be tournaments. Lets get a day planned on saturday or sunday where we can host a duels tournament! I would like to see a poll created where we can vote on the types of brackets and what kits...
  7. xDirtyDoug

    KitPvP ideas

    These are a few things I will be trying to get implemented if I am accepted to a Mod position. 1. Weekly Tournaments with specific prizes such as a title that says [PotPvP Champ] or Crate keys 2. More game modes for more rewards like knockbackffa, uhc, and a 1v1 mode where your personal...
  8. pomp123

    add teamview to kit pvp

    add a feature that uses lunar teamview so that you can see where your teammates are on the map (for kitpvp set it to guild members) this is available on like every teams/kitmap server and it wouldn't be hard to implement
  9. TimeIsOut

    Make duel elo leaderboards more public

    Currently the only way to check top 10 elos for each duel kit is /duel top {kit name}. This command is relatively unknown, and requires perfect capitalization for the command to even work. I think it would be a great idea if there was somewhere in spawn to see the top elos for each kit, this...
  10. Niels0507

    Important Should we remove void?

    Hey, I am making this poll to see what the kitpvp community would like when it comes to void and the tunnels. Therefor have I created a poll so you can voice ur opinions. I gave 3 possible answers but you are also allowed to comment other suggestions about void and the tunnels. Use this thread...
  11. YouMissed


    Cook baked cookies(iyk what i mean) and go steel candies
  12. TimeIsOut

    KITPVP kit fight killstreak leaderboard/fishing leaderboard/duel elo leaderboard.

    A cool idea for a new leaderboard could be a restricted killstreak leaderboard, such as a kit fight killstreak. Where you can restrict yourself to only using items from the /kit fight by running a command or clicking on an NPC. It would be a way for players who can't afford a gset to show their...
  13. Lollipop56

    KitPvP Infected Improvements

    KitPvP Community, I decided to write this post because as I'm sure most of you, the KitPvP community, would agree that the addition of the "Infected" event was a fantastic update! It's truly been one of the most fun and interesting events to participate in and honestly, credit where credit is...
  14. Beau

    Kitpvp feedback and idea /welcome command

    hello dear staff and playerbase of kitpvp, recently I started playing kitpvp and when someone joins the server people can type /welcome to welcome players and recieve 75$ ingame cash. But the issue here is that a lot of people use this command and it fills chat so much aspecially on a busy...
  15. Skiimatic

    Where's the kit reset?

    Announcement for the Reset has been made but no action is being taken / worked on. Its been months and the most recent one just seems like another attempt to get players hopes up. We want to see the server reset, not false promises. We're sick of this run around and would prefer if the server...
  16. FreezeFlame

    Manaray Anticheat Banning In KitPVP For No Reason

    It seems like the Anticheat bot in KitPVP is a little buggy. I've been banned twice because of this bug where you bump into a block with another above you in the hub and instantly get banned for 14 days. Here is a clip of me getting banned from the bug:
  17. alexsalad

    Fishing Rewards.

    It would be cool if there were more rewards for fishing including enchanted books, leather armor, fishing rods, sticks, etc..,
  18. Dacon

    Implemented KitPVP Season 12 Suggestions

    Development is starting for the next KitPVP season! Some already planned updates are - Player Arena Revamp - New Events - Improved achievement system Possible: - Map Rotation Please post any suggestions/feedback you have if you agree with someone's post make sure to give it a reaction :)
  19. Heklo

    Remove "chat closed from combat" feature

    In KitPvP, there is a feature where the chat is automatically closed when you first enter combat. I believe the purpose of this is meant to prepare you to fight back. In reality, though, it just disorients players further - with players used to pressing 'esc' to leave the chat, it ends up...
  20. wilddragons

    Less Hacker! [kitpvp]

    1. You need had Microsoft account 2.You need come with, Migrator cape on [KitPvP NPC] then Right click! that NPC then it's let you in KitPvP! But you need only ONCE! click that NPC whit migrator cape then you don't need use it anymore to go KITPVP That's help that alt account player, cannot...