
  1. Aryla

    Marriage Icon?

    Nothing too special but in creative people always asking if you're married or not. How about right next to our name have a little heart or something to indicate that this person is married? Would help out.
  2. ArcanePheonix

    /Marry to be implemented into islands.

    Hi, Me, Aozori and a few other players were wondering if /marry will be in islands. We think all the commands that come with it will be handy and it will be fun to have. Kind Regards, Aozori
  3. ArcanePheonix

    /marry in islands

    Hi, Me, Aozori and a few others were wondering if /marry will be in islands. We think all the commands that come with it will be handy and it will be fun to have. Kind Regards, Aozori
  4. JiggleJigglePop

    Marriage Divorce Suggestion

    Hello, there have been some problems with /marry that has been bothering me over the past few years I have been playing and I have exactly no idea why I am just bringing this up right now. I would like to suggest that we players could use /marry divorce on our own, that way we won't have to...