
  1. FAID_Reaper

    Scrambler idea

    In the scrambler its the first person to type the word gets 75 silver. But what if there was like a timer of let's say 5 seconds for anyone to spell the word out and still get a reward. There are many times that there are only a few people that actually get the word but if there are like...
  2. xolexh

    Implemented Command to see how many scrambler wins a player has

    There should be a command added that shows the player how many scrambler wins they have instead of it just showing the top scrambler wins. Ex. /scrambler xolexh
  3. JustBleach

    Scrambler Resets

    Many people have had their scrambler wins reset. The very annoying thing is this keeps happening. Many people have reported it, yet no staff have mentioned anything about it for quite a long time. One thing I don't like about this is, people who have many wins like myself get to the top only to...