
  1. HereticBeatle

    Currency conversion idea.

    Everyone know how cubits is the most valuable currancy thats hard to come by. So why not make a currency converter? Since 1 cubit roughly equals 1.1 billion coins, why not make it an in-game conversion instead of the chance of getting scammed by another player. Also with this, you can also...
  2. ♡ M a i s ♡

    /Warp Bannerz - I want to here from YOU guys <3

    Hi all, upgrading my Bannerz shop and adding new ways to pay etc etc, thinking of making BUNDLES on /ah, with this idea, the first one I have in mind are PRIDE Banners, so just wondering, what flags would you like to see in this bundle? - here is the bundle so far! <3 I look forward to hearing...
  3. I__PK__I


    We all love captchas(not really) but they are needed in order to stop players from afking. i get that, but, the current system in place for them is not balanced. i don't know for sure but i know there's specific checks you have to hit in order to get a captcha to pop up. for mob farms (Using...
  4. ♡ M a i s ♡

    Banner Designs for you <3

    Hi all! I have opened up a new warp /warp Bannerz, here I have a selection of designs, country flags, etc, I even take requests (if possible to do so) Also available to sell these Banners via trade (if my sell shops are full haha) and would be settled via /pay mjaynex (payment first as I have...
  5. ilyHalo

    Auto sell

    Add a feature or an item that would allow you to use a commands such as /autosell or /as, which would sell everything that can be sold in your inventory and everything you pick up that can be sold too, i would see this good for people who farm because everytime they have to do /sell all or /sell...
  6. Pinguinooo

    Survival PVP Tower

    Post your suggestions for the new PVP Tower (save arena) including cube & coords Looking for something that players can't easily camp in
  7. EndTheLag

    Simple addition to /shop

    I just want a redstone tab in /shop in survival or all servers as tryna craft all these items for a simple machine is very tiring
  8. bawsarlv

    [WE NEED THIS ASAP]Survival Party premissions for Guests need new perm for chest opening

    Hello my name is BawsarLv. I have been running a warp that lets new people get some free stuff so their game is more easy at begging. So all started with that i made a small house next to my claim with chests. Everyone liked this idea and people started to giveaway stuff they dont need or take...

    What is this Seed?

    I really want to find out what this seed is if and of the staff would reply that would be great!
  10. Spogger

    [HIGH EFFORT] Earth should **NOT** be merged with Survival

    TL; DR: Earth is too different to be merged with Survival, and it would also warrant the merging of other realms in ways that would not work. As many players and staff know alike, it appears that many players would like Manacube's Earth realm to be merged with Manacube's Survival realm. Many...
  11. Madisonn_

    Schematics in Survival.

    Schematics should be allowed in Survival, etc anywhere but limited to ONLY showing the virtual building, not printing or anything else Simply allowing schematics for Factions alone makes no sense. using a schematic in survival in other gamemodes doesn't hurt the way the game is played. Please...
  12. ReiDarakeru23

    Help with Selling items in chest?

    hello i have been having problems with making my own shops, chest wise. so i need help! this is what i usually type in the sign on the chest [Sell Shop] Porkchop: 1 $250.00 ReiDarakeru23 and everytime i do that it says "[Player shops] the amount (Line 20) needs to be positive" which i dont get...
  13. WaveLincoln

    Looking for new members to join Viking themed party

    Hi!! I’m a new player in Manacube but I’m looking for new friends to join my party. It’s Viking themed and I’m planning to build a Viking themed town near the sea. I have already started building. If anyone is interested in joining please let me know!
  14. Gillyox

    Party Quests

    Heyy manacube community, On some realms on mana you have party quests (or for example on skyblock you have island quests right?). With party quests every member of your party is able to progress and help to complete the quest. But it's always been that the party leader has to claim them to...
  15. Dacon

    Survival Season 8 Suggestions

    Development is starting for the next Survival season! Some already planned updates are - Updating to 1.18/1.19 - Isles improvements & expansion - Furniture improvements - New Spawn Possible: - Ancient Trials Update - Huey Fishing Update - Prestige Shop & Season Challenges - Horse Update...

    Survival armor

    Anyone knows what the best encyants possible are on netherite armor? (Whit out like exclusives n stuff)
  17. Dora

    Lucille Nerf...

    Roll back the Lucille nerf or change it, PVP even worse than before now even though the nerf was supposed to make PVP less "dull". I dont know how someone that doesnt even PVP has the nerve to post a thread saying that PVP is "dull". Nerf for Lucille was needed, yes but nerfing it that hard...
  18. BAC00W

    My Road To 200Cubits! - Progress update 1

    My Road To 200Cubits! Hi y’all, as some of u may (some of you from survival!) know I’m doing a Road To 200Cubits! I don’t know if it already existed tho, but A while ago I was thinking about to start stacking cubits and try to reach the 200 cubits and see if possible without buying with any...
  19. BAC00W

    Little Poem” - Bacoow

    Darkness Darkness fears positivity Positivity scares insecurity Insecurity harms the view at ourselves.. When positivity can bring the good news to all of us in this dark time of our life's, Then..Why does it still hurt when looking in the mirror? - PapaThom :mc_386-0:
  20. Uninhabited

    PVP Revival / Rebalance Across -ALL- Game-modes

    Pvp across, Survival, Prison, Islands, Towney, have all been pretty unbalanced and undesirable for anybody to partake in for a while now and though nerfs have been applied to many items to attempt to balance pvp on some of these game modes the fact remains that the “pay to win” or people that...