ancient trial ideas


Jun 20, 2021
So i've been playing some ancient trials lately. and have some ideas to make it even better.

  1. make it multiplayer. not alot but max 3-4 players. now you might think that this makes it much easier to play but watch point nr 2
  2. downgrade the start. I like the classes but they are to strong from the start. the only reason I use those upgrades is to buy golden apples for the end boss. keep the classes but give them no upgrades/low upgrades. for example:
    • archer with a bow, 64 arrows sword and lether armor
    • warrior with diamond axe, iron armor and a splash health potion
    • tank with iron sword, diamond armor and a shield
  3. make an upgrade/resting place inbetween waves. I know you're supposed to be going wave by wave but face it. as it stands now we just leave 1 enemy alive to heal up automatically and just run to the middle to upgrade when this enemy is slowly following us. so make a place where you can upgrade. possible upgrades could be:
    • enchantments: add 1 lvl of a specific enchantment on your weapon or armor. example if you want protection 4 on your armor you must buy 4 times protection upgrades.
    • repair: as you start off with normal equipment it might be handy to have a repair option. alternatively you could add a free option where you get your starting equipment again.
    • potions: this is self explenetory.
    • specials: golden apple, enchanted golden apple, special arrows, ...
  4. perhaps a 4th class would be nice. I was thinking on a mage. this class could fire fireballs from his wand or heal his allies. but it has a slow fire rate. also no armor.
I think that's it for now. lemme know if you like my ideas.