Campaign to stop cfing

May 22, 2023
428 8
Like the title says.
Throughout the 3 or more years that I've been on Manacube, well the survival realm of it. There has always been one thing bugging me? Don't get me wrong about this developers, but who on God's green Earth (not trying to offend any Christians out there) created, or even suggesting the simple, but server changing idea of allowing gambling on a server for 5 year olds, especially the fact that there's no consistent way of earning cubits, besides stealing your father's credit card and buying cubits of the store, and prestiging, which takes FOREVER!
Hypixel, prohibits the usage of gambling under any circumstances. (I even got muted on the server for asking if anyone wants to do a flower game for coins LMAO) Since gambling is not only addicted, but can ruin the lives for more then its worth. I've personally lost over 50 cubits, from the usage of coin flipping. I would be interested to know how much you guys have lost.
As well as the fact that gambling is addicting, it's not even a 50/50 chance. The Morris algorithm is, as its name suggests an algorithm that, like its name suggests, an algorithm that determines coinflips, as you have probably guessed. Furthermore, in late or early 2022 (I forgot exact date) rumours started to speculate that the player _Smokey_420, well known throughout the community (sorry if your reading this pal) was cheating coinflips. I personally didn't know how or why he did this, or was it even true, but if it was this just proves my point. That gambling is and forever will be a bad idea. Especially in a video game, that most of us aren't even allowed to gamble in real life! Although the Manacube Infrations page didn't show anything about this, I had speculation that I saw something about him ''bug abusing'' in there. Which is not there today. Sus
Anyways, sorry I didn't have any screenshots or images in this read. But in my defense its 9:20pm for me right now, and I'm on a school laptop :)


Olympus Mod+ | Survival Mod
Nov 19, 2018
2,445 94

Thanks for taking the time to make a post to share your concerns and opinions - we always encourage players to share their thoughts on features and additions/changes etc, so it's nice to get some feedback! That being said, the addition of "coinflipping" essentially just replaced the "/lotto" command, which used to be on the network in around 2018 if I remember correctly.

While I can understand concerns about gambling etc being allowed on the network and the harmful actions caused by IRL gambling addictions, it's not as though cf-ing cubits is the only way to "gamble", nor is it encouraged at all by the network. It was added simply as a fun addition for players to have ways to spend money/mana. It can be useful for new players if they manage to win a cf and can help them progress in their gamemode by getting upgrades etc. Cubits can also be won from King Benny, some networks have the /task shop, daily rewards on the forums, /cow rewards and trading with other players for in-game items/currency to name a few - purchasing cubits from the webstore is not the only way to earn them.

The staff team and Dacon would never condone or encourage players to "steal parents' credit cards" - I personally haven't been made aware of any instances of this happening, however, that comes down to responsibility on the players' behalf as well as their parents to step in if it came to that - it is not our job to parent young players on the network, all we can do is ensure they have a safe and fun environment, which we always strive for. Serious addictions can ruin lives, and are extremely harmful not only to the person suffering with them but to others around them - from my perspective, that does not seem to be the case here and is simply just players having fun. I would also like to note that we are not in control of how other servers handle different situations, so there is pretty much no point in comparing the two networks.

I cannot speak on the mechanical side of how the plugin works, however, I assure it is made as fair as possible. Additionally, I would like to ask that you not throw allegations around of other players abusing bugs/duplicating or breaking any rules on the network. If you have concerns, these can be addressed privately by contacting staff members or creating a support ticket here on the forums. There is no need to throw harmful accusations like that around, especially without evidence. As stated before, if you have evidence or concerns and would like to discuss this with staff, you are more than welcome to do so - but please, keep it out of public threads.

All in all, coinflipping is not a mandatory part of the network - no one is forcing players to take part in it. Personally, I've done it a few times and don't find much joy in it, so I simply don't join them much if at all. Additionally, you don't have to use cubits to coinflip - there are options for money/mana coinflips depending on the realm you are on.