-ManaCube Creative Plot Rules/Tips!-
UPDATED: 9/10/19
****MANACUBE CREATIVE PLOTS ARE 111x111 (Default)****
Acceptable for a Grade (Tips/Suggestions):
- If you have structure on your build, which we recommend having, but not required, we recommend you add interior detail. Interior detail includes furniture, decorations, etc. This becomes less important the bigger the build is.
- Add exterior detail [Avoid boxiness, try using slabs and stairs.]
- Add Terrain. Make sure your plot has a ratio of about 50% terrain and 50% structure. The more terrain a plot has, the more realistic it feels.
- Make Custom trees. Custom trees help to prove two things:
- You put effort into your build.
- You are learning to develop organic building skills.
- Helpers on plot: 90% of the plot MUST be built by the plot OWNER. **NOTE** ONLY PLOT OWNER WILL GET GRADED, NOT THE 10% HELPER! **Please note that MODS will inspect the plot using co i to see if more than 10% of the plot is done by a helper!**
- If you want any feedback or suggestions on your plot that you are submitting for a grade please feel free to ask a creative staff member for their opinion!
Not Acceptable for a Grade:
- Pixel Art: (We DO NOT grade pixel arts!)
- Roleplays: While fun, roleplays are not gradable mostly due to the nature of adding other players to your plot.
- Skin Comps, Build contests, Head Shops, Banner shops, etc. are automatically rejected as well.
- Statues, whether it be of mobs or player skin, are a form of pixel art, and therefore are automatically rejected.
- Parkour Courses: There is a section on the ManaCube forums for submitting parkour courses. Click here to go to the Parkour Submissions Forum.
- Redstone: We do not grade Redstone contraptions
- **Copied Builds: If your build is found to be copied off of Youtube or another player’s plot / server, the plot will be automatically rejected and will eventually result in a grade ban!**
-ManaCube Grade Tips-
** There is no required plot size for any grade! 2 plots+ are recommended for B+ and above but NOT required! **
Number of plots by grade rank
A+ Grade - 35 Plots
A Grade - 15 Plots
B+ Grade - 10 Plots
B Grade - 8 Plots
C+ Grade - 6 Plots
C Grade - 5 Plots
D+ Grade - 4 Plots
D Grade - 3 Plots
Plot count for Donor ranks can be found in the store under each rank or can be found here!
Example Plots
For more information about grades/perks type ./grades in game!
- ManaCube Creative Staff Team -
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