Hi, I'm Brandon


Active Member
Dec 3, 2017
46 1
Hey cubers,

My name is Brandon and I am a developer from the United Kingdom. I usually spend my free time playing Minecraft or developing plugins - I've been a computer science student for nearly 3 years now, and am currently taking A-Level Computer Science, Physics and Mathematics.

I also manage a plugin development online course, creating tutorials, offering support and helping others learn!

At the start of this year, I posted a recreation of the spawn parkour - looking back on it, this devlog was poorly written, and was filled with messy coding practices, maybe I'll remake it, who knows?

Soon after posting this, however, college caught up with me and I went on a fairly lengthy hiatus from the game. Though, now exams are finished, I'm back to interacting with the community.

A few fun facts about me:
  • I am pansexual (pride month :D)
  • My favourite anime is Attack on Titan, however it's a close contender with Mob Psycho 100
  • My favourite Netflix show is The Witcher, but The Umbrella Academy is also very good
  • I can solve a rubiks cube in around 30 seconds
Thank you all for reading :)