If you're feeling depressed or upset, read this.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
38 3
Hello everyone,

Now, I do know this doesn't belong in the general discussion section but I feel it isn't off-topic in any sort of community, this is depression. Depression is a state or an emotion of the feeling of upsetting or sadness. Anyone who's experienced the state of depression knows what it feels like to feel sad, lonely, left out. I have friends that either were depressed or still are. Sadly, I'm only a "someone" who can help and help cope their depression feelings. I can't exactly deal with their depression, I can't be the main solution to their problem, and I wish I could, I wish I could do my best to end their depression by being able to talk to them fully and let them understand that I care. But sadly, I can't. I'm sure others feel like me; we wish we could have helped more, or we wish we could have done more. Depression is feelings of severe despondency and dejection. Depression can lead to anxiety, suicidal thoughts and much more emotions that are unexplainable. This is to address the social problem people surround the word "depression" with.

People will make fun of depressed people, not knowing their story, their background and what they've dealt with. People would never, I mean never, want to be in their shoes. They deal with way more problems, more personal attacks and they have to put up with your statements as well. You're just adding on to a never-ending problem, yet; you think you're acting funny. Depression is not something to ever joke about, it's always used as a joke to someone's friend when they say "kill yourself". Just because you see society using this word in that context, doesn't mean you have to as well. You're just growing a social problem instead of helping to end it. Suicidal thoughts are a common thought in the later stages of depression, it's a horrible feeling to deal with and you have to figure out how to cope with it, but people will just further push your depression. Making it worst. Anyone dealing with depression, I understand you, you don't deserve the hate or offensive statements you receive, you just gotta stay strong and break through the comments. I know it's difficult but remember we care for you, this amazing community, we deeply care about your feelings. We always greet you, laugh with you, have fun with you. You may feel lonely, but we're all here for you, MineVast; as friends and family. It's not easier to deal with depression, sometimes you might not even understand why you're sad, but it's good to talk to us about your feelings and emotions; we're here for you. We understand you, that depression is a serious problem that no one should have to experience; we wish the best of luck for you and your future. We look forward to talking to you, laughing with you, having fun with you. People who put you down, are just jealous that people seriously care for you, and want to help you. They don't know what it's like, it's possible that neither the people who truly care for you know what it's like, but it's that they care, and wish the best of you.

Remember, you're here on earth for a reason no matter what the reason is, someone does or will care for you, sometimes you just a gotta find that "someone" and stick with them. They'll care for you all the time, they'll want to help and want to make sure you're having a good day. Here in this community, I believe you can find tons of people who will help with your depression, no one is left out in this community; I'm always up to chat with you or your friend who's dealing with depression. We understand, we care, we want to help you, we will help you.

Even if it takes years upon years, to find someone who truly cares; it's the point that someone will care not how long it'll take, your family already does care, people on here care.

If you still feel you want professional help with your problem:

Call the
Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
or visit : http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

I'm always up to talking with anyone, and doing my best to help.

I'm going to end this thread with a powerful message from the movie "Dead Poets Society" :

We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, 'O me! O life!... of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless... of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?' Answer. That you are here - that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play *goes on* and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?"

Stay amazing and if you're dealing with depression; it'll get better soon.

- Kruw



Forum Legend
Jan 29, 2016
862 74
Kruw, it's people like you that make me smile. Some people are just hear to antagonize you and make you feel bad. But there are always those people out there that care for you no matter what. I hope this thread can help reach out to others.

Thank you from all of minevast,


Skyblock Mod+
Aug 6, 2014
121 4
I honestly find this so inspiring. I really do wish everyone shared your opinion on this!

Much love to you for posting this!


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2016
74 1
I'm so glad to see that someone took time out of their day to make a thread that helps depressed people. Types of people like you are my favorite. This post is very inspiring, and everyone who is suffering from depression will hopefully feel better when they read this.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2016
32 3
Thank you, but no thank you. I'm FINE no need for help :-\ Why did I read this at school? T^T


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
38 3
Thank you, but no thank you. I'm FINE no need for help :-\ Why did I read this at school? T^T
I understand, I mostly meant that if you want help; people in this community are here for you. I understand if you don't want help, not everyone will want help with depression.


Active Member
Aug 10, 2016
@Kruw I want to thank you for making this to show people that there is good in the world. I know this must have taken you so much time, and that truly shows your dedication to everyone. ❤️


Active Member
Apr 3, 2016
I love this so much. It warms my heart that there's people like you out there. I know how it is to be depressed and it's the worst thing ever. You just gotta stay strong and believe everything's gonna be alright. Thank you for this message <3
Aug 14, 2016
6 1
I'm not depressed, but I know times when I have felt this. You made my day! <3