Hello UwUAmber, Kingaroo and FrenchKnife!
I am here to give you my review on the map! Please remember that I am not a map judge and my opinion doesn't have any effect whether or not the map gets accepted, I'm just trying to give helpful advice :)
Firstly the theme of your map is
GREAT since while there are many maps related to animals already on the server there isn't a single map of specifically an owl yet!
Secondly the build of your map is
GREAT. The owl itself looks very good and I love all the details other than the owl itself too! I really like the build, well done!
Lastly the parkour of your map is
OKAY. The length of the map is great for an Easy map and 2 checkpoints are enough. The parkour is decently varied and mostly isn't floating so good job with those factors! However I find the parkour to be a
LITTLE BIT TOO HARD for an Easy map. I don't think it is a big issue however! I also found the end to be quite
REPETITIVE WITH THE USE OF LADDERS but I don't think this is a big issue either! There's also a small skip that could be patched!
You can go around the barriers to skip the rest of the parkour by climbing up the owl! Simply adding more barriers is an easy fix to this!
Good luck :D