Plugin Suggestions :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2014
38 3
These are some plugins, that i feel would improve skyblock. Each one will have the permissions listed below and what i feel would be on or off. Of course, I dont have everything on because some things are, in my eyes, not needed. If they are implemented into skyblock, @Dacon has the final say as to what will be on or off and I have chosen the ones i feel he would agree with. Some of the permissions require different Plugins to work, so they will of course have the "False" option. The Options selected are chosen according to the average player. Staff will of course have different permissions.

True - /AutoPickup - Displays the help screen
False - /AutoSell toggle - Toggles auto sell. This only works if the plugin QuickSell is installed - Permission: AutoSell.toggle
True - /AutoPickup toggle - Toggles auto pickup - Permission: AutoPickup.toggle
True - /AutoBlock toggle - Toggles auto block - Permission: AutoBlock.toggle
True - /AutoBlock - Turns anything that can be into a block - Permission: AutoBlock.command
False - /AutoSmelt - Smelts anything that can be smelted in your inventory - Permission: AutoSmelt.command
False - /AutoSmelt toggle - Toggles auto smelt - Permission: AutoSmelt.toggle
False - /AutoSmelt reload - Reloads the plugin - Permission: AutoPickup.reload
True/False(undecided) - AutoPickup.infinity - If it's enabled in the config.yml, this permission stops players' picks from breaking
True - AutoPickup.enabled - Gives a player autopickup when they join the server
True - AutoBlock.enabled - Gives a player autoblock when they join the server
False - AutoSmelt.enabled - Gives a player autosmelt when they join the server
False - AutoSell.enabled - Gives a player autosell when they join the server. Requires Quicksell

in the config.yml:

False - Full Inventory.Delete Item - If this is true, items that cannot fit into your inventory will disappear when using autopickup. If this is set to false, the items will fall to the ground as if you did not have autopickup enabled.
True - Full Inventory.Warn - If this is true, the plugin will warn players when their inventories are full.
True/False(his choice) - Infinity Pick - If this is set to true, any player with the permission AutoPickup.infinity will never break picks while using them
True - Auto Block XP - If this is set to true, XP from blocks will automatically go to the player
True - Mob.Auto Pickup - If this is set to true, drops from mobs will go straight to players' inventories
True - Mob.Auto XP - If this is set to true, experience from mobs will go straight to players

Smelt Blacklist.yml - Since the autosmelt has a "False" option, this doesnt need to be touched

Advanced Fortune.yml - Same as the blacklist option, since autosmelt is off, this wont need to be changed at all.

Next Plugin:

(True)- og.genGives the permission to use the generator - players must be in
the same chunk as the generator for it to work
(False)- og.reloadGives the permission to use the /og reload command

The Chance percentages are up to debate by dacon himself, i think they're good as the default settings are.The places it should be enabled should be only in the "world" option, the nether and end don't need this enabled.

Stone: 20The percentage chance each ore can generate
Coal: 24
Iron: 13
Gold: 10
Redstone: 8
Lapis: 5
Emerald: 3
Diamond: 0.01
Worlds:Worlds the generator can work in
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end