Should Pvp be reverted back to its Original state for when the new season is released!

  • Yes! Change it back!

    Votes: 15 83.3%
  • No! Why do we need to change it back!

    Votes: 3 16.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2021
59 7
I first off as many before have complained, want keep inventory to be turned off as it ruins the holy scroll economy, makes pvping near pointless, no more can you be happy someone forget to holy their svas and gain some new items, no more can pvp be actually enjoyed, it just feels like a P2W version of /duels which while it was still p2w at least you could win back then, not much win nowadays

Second, please someone do something about invis players, its really annoying seeing players who can only be seen by some vague particles come in and chill, sometimes even throwing potions to annoy you as they don't combat tag, and this would especially be a problem if keep inventory was disabled as some players used to chill in PVP invis, and as soon as someone died they'd all come in and try to take the stuff.

Third, i don't think many would agree but i really wish elytra pvp was more accepted, i want players to be able to fly with elytra with combat tag, just disable fireworks when tagged so they cant stall it out.

Fourth, regarding the abyss, i think it should be in spawn as val said, but also shrunken down a lot as it makes running away near inevitable, not only that but the back side has this weird terrain-y thing and most players like myself cant tell where does the PVP zone end, or if the entire thing is pvp enabled, i also think the ladder is wayyy too tall/the pit is wayyy too deep for any genuine chance of escaping, if you ever used a blaster or even know what it is you can instantly tell escaping pvp unharmed has to be without the ladder if your opponent has one (whether you use a double/triple jump item, or an elytra), my point is the ladder is near useless in abyss and it only makes it harder to leave. and there's vines on the ceiling where you can camp up there and shoot people from above.

Fifth, this is a MASSIVE request I've seen many talk about, bring back 1.16 pvp, 1.8 pvp is made so it not only rewards people with better mouses/can click faster, but it also rewards people for using an autoclicker, AND it makes some weapons like the mystery hammer super broken for how spammable it is, i think myself and many others prefer pvp to be more strategy-based and not just "hehe fast click go brrr".

Sixth, please enable cosmetics in the arena, last season there were bugs regarding cosmetics but you can just disable rides and morphs, i wanna use /particle or /status inside the PVP arena.

Seventh, buff lucille, I'm tired of saying this but i really am pissed lucilles slowness is the same slowness as the one from ice aspect (slowness 2) and its only for 5 seconds, sometimes i hit someone with it to knock them away giving me a chance to run but they hit me with ice aspect making us the same speed, which ends up in me dying because they caught up to me, either make it slowness 3-4 or make it for longer, hell make it both, slowness 3 for 7-10s or something, just make this weapon relevant.

Eighth, slightly nerf popsicle, I'm sorry but being able to launch urself anywhere at insane speeds every 5 seconds is just nuts, make the cooldown 10 seconds for the love of god, i have to either have a popsicle of my own or somehow preemptively predict where they're gonna go and barely make it to them in time.

Ninth, Mace and Medusa hair need to be nerfed, I'm sorry but being unable to move for 10 seconds is ungodly broken and needs to be fixed, you either have to gap spam and pray they don't have a blaster or suffer the consequences.

Tenth, Idk how to fix this one but i feel pvp is wayyy too centered around who can get the first totem pop, if you do your enemy is at low hp and has to manually put a new totem giving you enough time to almost pop the new one, and you're just gonna end up in this cycle of popping totems until they die

sorry for the super long post i have a lot on my mind, i hope this helps
After reading over what you have said I can conclude that most of these statements are not for the benefit of the community but are rather personal bias / personal gain.

For your first statement regarding keep inventory I actually agree with you that it needs to be turned off. The reason that Abyss attracts zero players is because the arenas are in the wrong places, and should be switched or the keep inventory arena should be removed alltogether. It makes no sense to put a non keep inventory PVP arena in a completely different realm when we already have icehaven which had major traffic when there was a holy scroll based PVP arena at spawn.

For your second claim, people using invisibility can be annoying however just because its annoying doesn't mean we should have to change anything about their behavior. Using invisibility potions to gain an advantage in PVP whether thats sneaking up on somebody or stealing loot (its keepinv anyway) serves no reason to disable the mechanic completely because they're doing nothing against the rules and are playing the game how they enjoy and may not agree with how you PVP.

I have no statement regarding Elytra PVP

Regarding AByss it should be in spawn.

Regarding bringing back 1.16 PVP I can conclude that this entire paragraph was a terrible take. 1.8 PVP takes several advanced skill sets whether that is W, S, A, or D tapping, hit selecting, shift tapping, movement, and certain click patterns that you would understand if you took the time to learn how to PVP 1.8 style rather than complaining about it. Manacube has used 1.8 style of PVP for years besides that one season, and it was changed because it brought basically no traffic. 1.8 PVP is easily accessible for all people who want to PVP while 1.16 is more strategy based and better for a different gamemode than a PVE arena which is used in isles and /warp pvp. 1.16 PVP would simply ruin the traffic of the PVP side of manacube completely.

For your sixth statement I dont care about cosmetics whatsoever.

For your seventh statement, buffing lucille would be absolutely terrible for the server. The original way the Lucille operated was extremely annoying and served as a massive disadvantage for anyone who didnt have a lucille to begin with. Players who had a lucille with the original effects were guaranteed to win the battle before it even started vs someone who wasnt using one. The lucille was nerfed because of how bad it was to fight against in PVP and now its much more easy to counter in PVP. Buffing it would simply just make PVP terrible like it was before, and even a little buff would completely disrupt how PVP works right now, which doesnt even need to be changed.

Regarding popsicle, the cooldown for popsicle is perfect for the current PVP, and making it longer would make no sense because its not even that OP of an item. Just because you dont like predicting where theyre going to go or dont want to own a popsicle of your own doesnt mean they should nerf it because YOU dont agree with it. This was a obviously player based / biased take.

I dont care about Medusa or Mace

Finally, if you truely believe PVP is based off who pops their totem first then you clearly arent a real PVPer. Getting your totem popped first has no effect on the battle its just as simple as reappying and healing yourself. Ive been popped first several times and ended up winning the fight because Totems are basically just a failsafe for when you arent making the correct decisions in a 1v1 or against several players (at my level atleast). You dont even need totems in todays PVP since its keep inventory anyways.

Concluding these claims, most of them were extremely biased and were only stated because you dont agree with them or dont possess the high enough skill level to counter or use the items / mechanics accordingly, therefor you want them to be changed so you can more easily defeat someone who is better than you at the game.
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So I agree its controversial on pvp and keep inventory on/off. Some things I would like to see are

1) 2 Arenas in the hub opposite sides so as not to cause confusion on which is and isn't keep inventory. Maybe /warp pvp (drop inv) and /warp practice (keep inv)
2) Arenas that change I think lots of us agree that although we like certain things in the arena it gets boring to have the same arena for a while. I think it would be cool to have a structure in the keep inventory one and maybe themed with monthly crates. On the drop inventory one it would be best mostly be open and flat. Still could change the floor pattern out or have a hanging structure for aesthetics.
3) Having pvp encourages Holy scrolls. As Val mentioned it was a good source of money for new players and the fancy p2w players would but them for cubits so a way newer players could make money. I know several players that left playing after the pvp change as that was thier source of income/cubits form ranks and stuff.
4) Would love to have a pay out monthly for pvp doesn't have to be much but maybe it only counts deaths in the drop inventory one. could be something even like a crate key like lps 1-3 or something just a way to have bragging rights and keep the season interesting after a while when everything is afk. Or even like there are trophies for top 5 parties maybe top 5 kills per month gets a βš” with the number of months they have won. Just a suggestion
5) As someone who plays regularly in 1.16 please leave it 1.8 pvp
6) As End mentioned the issue people have with invisible players are that it is just done to troll. It serves no purpose but to annoy the players. Unfortunately I don't know how this could be fixed though as pots are still needed in pvp. The other annoying thing I see alot is combat tagging over and over. What I mean is I can kill someone and before my combat tag has expired they are running back into pit. Makes it hard to get out. I would love to see a delay before entering pit or at least a reduction in the combat tag to maybe 10 secs

The abyss was a cool Idea however I think it failed for a few reasons. It is large. Not easily visible so out of the way to go to it. and really deep and there was fall damage. The only thing I think a few of us really did like was the ability to see from a safe area. kind of nice to spectate the cool fights.

Other thought that may be intresting is like how kit has KOTH it would be cool to have some event like that and/or more lps times. I know with the current 2 times I miss both for work as they are close together and during most work/school hours for lots of the bigger regions
Regarding your statements regarding PVP, I like how you discuss the matter in a completely different way than EndTheLag does (basied vs non biased) and are basing it off experience rather than what benefits you. I dont really disagree with anything you said because you are essentially just discussing what's going on in todays PVP and expressing community concerns, and arent really encouraging change because none is needed. +1
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This may be just repeating what others may have said but these are my own thoughts. There should be two pits, safe, and full pvp.
Full PVP is full inventory dropped when killed, unless your stuff is holied.
Safe PvP is more tailored towards newer players with less gear and those who cannot afford holies. Only Golden Apples and Potions would be dropped.
The problem with Abyss, in my personal opinion, is that you don't know anyone is even in there, and most people when they run past pit, just run to see whos in there, and then simply go from there.
2nd of all, Autoclicking. It's there and it's used. Simply put, there is no skill involved with PvP at the moment since, it's just whoever can click the fastest. It's still possible to kill said person, but with the decreased knockback, your just getting combo'ed until you are either almost dead, or they make a mistake.

Also with the ladders, don't TP them back to the ladder, tp them to the ground, because if you're tagged there, it's almost impossible to get out unless you can withstand the damage and knockback.
Most of your statements pretty acceptable in my opinion except regarding autoclicking. Autoclicking isnt what makes 1.8 pvp bad, its the people who dont take the time to learn how to click fast and just accuse others of autoclicking that make the type of pvp less enjoyable. It took me a few months from being only able to click 7cps to up to 20cps, and I've personally been accused multiple times of autoclicking due to me taking the time to learn how to PVP 1.8 style.
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For my own personal opinions on the current state of PVP I will go over some problems that the community have and will offer a simple solution regarding them.

Invisible players being annoying, medusa hair + mace being too OP, lucille needing a buff, popsicle needing a nerf

The server shouldnt need to change because you arent able to handle fighting someone with better items. PVP is completely fine how it is besides Keep Inventory and shouldnt need to change because you dont possess the needed skillset to fight people with better items than you.

Basically what im saying is instead of complaining about someone who has better items than you grind the game to achieve said items, or take the time to get better at pvp so you dont need to complain about being bad at pvp.
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Dedicated Member
Dec 25, 2020
106 15
β€œFor my own personal opinions on the current state of PVP I will go over some problems that the community have and will offer a simple solution regarding them.

Invisible players being annoying, medusa hair + mace being too OP, lucille needing a buff, popsicle needing a nerf

The server shouldnt need to change because you arent able to handle fighting someone with better items. PVP is completely fine how it is besides Keep Inventory and shouldnt need to change because you dont possess the needed skillset to fight people with better items than you.

Basically what im saying is instead of complaining about someone who has better items than you grind the game to achieve said items, or take the time to get better at pvp so you dont need to complain about being bad at pvp.”

Honestly thank you for kinda showing me how i was wrong, i do appreciate genuine criticism and i will hopefully improve on that.


Dedicated Member
Dec 25, 2020
106 15
Some interesting thoughts..

What do you think some great names for pit would be..
I honestly dont dislike the abyss and pvp pit never even had a name anyway, i feel like pit was and always will be its name even if it gets an official name


Jul 27, 2021
I don't use the PvP arena but i think player numbers have dropped since it was changed to keep inventory, The abyss should have been keep inv and the old one as it was. I would rebuild the tower and have a king of the tower competition where the holder of the name (maybe a tag or crown if possible) can be challenged. The challenger does so by pushing a challenge the king button and its displayed on screen to everyone that player A has challenged player B for the king of the tower title, after 5 mins or so the title is returned to the holder if the challenger hasn't entered the arena. Only a certain amount of challenges per day can be issued and some criteria must be met to issue a challenge or own the title, i would suggest a certain number of wins in the arena. After the challenge is over by one of the players being killed the arena returns to usual which would be lose inventory


Active Member
QA Team
QA Team
Dec 21, 2020
I don't PVP so I don't have a huge opinion about the aesthetic and functionality of it. I'll leave input on the to the people that utilize the arena.
I am a grinder however, and have supplied many pvpers with Holy Scrolls throughout the early season. Changing the spawn pit to a no-drop zone has definitely adversely affected the general survival economy. There are no real viable ways for grinders like me to make cubits in game. There is no reward to grind mid to late season anymore, therefore there isn't much reason to even play right now until reset. Selling holy scrolls throughout the season was the one thing that even gave me motivation to play as other aspects slow down in the late season. I currently have 600k+ souls if that tells you how the holy scroll economy is doing.
I'm not complaining because to me the cubits aren't a huge deal, but to others they might be. As a server though I would think it is a priority to keep players engaged and playing throughout the whole season.
As for other suggestions for reset: check out the post I made back in May if you haven't already.


Dec 4, 2020
more building tools, no reason to build. debug stick, better terraforming tools, etc. There is no reason to build anymore all of the builders have left and that's because theres no reason to, no awards no competition, why work for days, weeks, months on a build people cant appreciate? Give us a reason to build
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