Hello Crisp and xeno!
I am here to give you my review of the map. Please remember that I am not a Map Judge and my opinion does not affect whether the map gets accepted or not. That being said if the Map Judges disagree with my opinions, they will go by what they think.
Firstly the THEME of your map. According to my knowledge, there is not an accepted tank map playable on the server yet. This is an original map submission in my eyes, great work on the theme!
Secondly the BUILD of your map. I'm honestly surprised by all the incredible details you managed to put in the map, it looks amazing! The colors, the floor and the shading, everything makes it look really appealing to the eye! Very nice work on the build!
Lastly the PARKOUR of your map. Most importantly, I found it to be enjoyable! There was nice jump variation in the map, but not to an extent where the jumps were annoying or looked bad. The difficulty of your map fit the Easy category really well, there were only one or two jumps I would have changed. As an extra note, I also couldn't find a single shortcut in your map, as you had barriered off all the areas.
It's going to be a fat +1 from me! Good luck :D