Located on guyseth plot 8
by guyseth and Berry_Blue145 (with lots of help from BDO and BASSBOAT)
32 jumps
Preface: I know judges have had some issues with the parkour in the past but I wanted to keep it as close to the real life obstacle course as possible. I believe that that alone makes the parkour fun and interesting as one can imagine doing the course for real while they play. However, I did agree that the build could use some expansion so with the help of Berry_Blue145 we went ahead and added texture, roads, camera cars, and grand stands.
by guyseth and Berry_Blue145 (with lots of help from BDO and BASSBOAT)
32 jumps
Preface: I know judges have had some issues with the parkour in the past but I wanted to keep it as close to the real life obstacle course as possible. I believe that that alone makes the parkour fun and interesting as one can imagine doing the course for real while they play. However, I did agree that the build could use some expansion so with the help of Berry_Blue145 we went ahead and added texture, roads, camera cars, and grand stands.