Howdy Howdy!
As others have stated there are a lot of factors that can change how long your appeal will take, one of these factors is what server it is for as some serves do not have a large amount of mods. Other things that can make the appeal process longer are; severity of punishment, evidence uploading, further investigation, conversation, etc.. etc...
Please ensure that you are logged in to the forums when attempt to view your appeal as if you are not- it will not show up for you as they are private threads. I try to finished appeals within a 1-2 day cycle depending on the things I listed above. Other staff may have different time lines and limitations and should not be looked down upon due to this.
If you have any questions regarding your appeal while it is in the process I suggest contacting whoever took your appeal, you could do this by replying to the thread, starting a conversation with them on the forums, mailing them in game, or contacting them within our community discord. (of course which one you have access to will depend on what platform you are punished on.)
Please do not let others replies bother you, only in extremely rare cases do appeals go unfinished for extender periods of time. Ones that do are typically those that require the Owner to handle it. If an appeal goes unanswered for an extended period of time and you think it should not have been please contact someone so they can look into the issue and try to figure out why.
best, kayla