Introduction to Duo


Helper | Earth
Jun 10, 2023
145 3
Hey everyone, I'm Duo, and I'm excited to be a part of this wonderful community! As my username suggests, I believe in the power of unity and collaboration, making friends along the way!

I have a strong interest in mindfulness, as it helps me stay grounded and focused in this fast-paced world. Reading is a cherished hobby of mine, especially psychological and non-fiction books, which constantly feed my thirst for knowledge and personal growth.

Speaking of growth, I've delved into Stoicism, albeit to a lesser extent, finding valuable lessons in embracing challenges with grace and resilience. But don't worry, I won't go all philosophical on you! I believe in being creative and hardworking without being overly self-centered, and I genuinely strive to be approachable, friendly, and empathetic towards others.

In addition to my interests, I have a passion for academics. I've been honored to be the valedictorian of my class this year and in several previous years. Currently, I attend a selective high school, where I genuinely enjoy studying and exploring various subjects.

On another note, after college, I’ve been contemplating the idea of becoming a math professor. I’m truly passionate about math, and the idea of sharing that knowledge with others excites me. However, I’m somewhat hesitant because I know that teachers are not always well-paid. Nevertheless, even if I don’t end up as a math professor, I still want to pursue a career that involves math. My goal is to have a side job that provides additional stability while pursuing my passion for helping others and mathematics. Life is full of possibilities, and I’m eager to explore all the avenues available to me!

Please know that my intention in mentioning these achievements is not to boast but to highlight how much I appreciate the opportunities I’ve been given and the support from my teachers and peers. I firmly believe that each person’s journey is unique and valuable, and I’m here to engage with all of you on an equal footing, sharing insights and learning from one another.

Also, on top of all these interests, I go to the gym regularly, as staying active is an important part of my routine!

Enough about the mind, let's talk about blocks! Minecraft has captured my heart, and the community on the ManaCube Earth server is where I spend most of my in-game time. The joy of building, exploring, and adventuring with like-minded players has been an amazing experience. I am grateful to have met all the fantastic people on Earth, and it's truly a testament to the power of online friendships.

I believe in spreading kindness wherever I go, so if anyone needs help, has questions about me, or just wants to chat about Minecraft or anything else, feel free to reach out!
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Forum God
Dec 12, 2016
535 99
Why I haven't seen this since you've applied for Earth Helper before LOL

Nice to meet you, Duo. I liked how you loves math and hope to become a math professor too. <3