It all started on that one rainy day in idkwhichmonth, I have entered the game, almost crashed trying to find a mine and soon decided that mines will be my home. Mining is an okay way of getting money, though you cannot take a break if you want a constant $$ flow.
And once there was stone age, milk decided to create a cacti farm! Nice and easy, eh? Well, it took me way more time than I intended to and it did not provide me enough cash to be worth it.
So milk was thinking. And milk thought of a solution. A grinder! Even though I had to rebuild it like 5 times, I still have it now. At some point I replaced tons of chests and sell wand with infinity chests, which isn't more benefitable but I don't have to take 5 minutes of my precious time to sell every half an hour.
Now my main income is my grinder - slow, but reliable. About once a day I also sell my cacti, which is no more but some extra millions every 12 hours or so. Ever since getting trench, some part of my income is also mining. I'm only looking forward to getting a collector minion to unclog my hoppers a little...
And milk has spoken and all was well.