Recent content by Ash581champion

  1. Ash581champion

    Hi! My Name Is Ash!

    You too! :D
  2. Ash581champion

    Hey Everyone! :D

    Hey Everyone! :D
  3. Ash581champion

    Hi! My Name Is Ash!

    Hi, my name is ash (Daniel). I am a 15 year old MC'r and I am just here to say hello to everyone!
  4. Ash581champion

    Why don't I have /trail?

    I am talking about parkourse.
  5. Ash581champion

    Why don't I have /trail?

    It still says I do not have the permission.
  6. Ash581champion

    Why don't I have /trail?

    I've bought the trail star. I tried to do /trail star and it said I do not have the permission. Can someone please help me out with this problem?