Recent content by AyeCheckIt

  1. AyeCheckIt

    Olympus Season 3

    Dear ManaCube players, I am a player who plays on Olympus quite frequently and I was wondering when is the official release date for Olympus Season 3. Even if there isn't yet an official release date I was wondering also if there was hints scattered on discord, ManaCube's social media or in the...
  2. AyeCheckIt


    Pineapples are fruits and I do not think fruits belong on pizzas
  3. AyeCheckIt

    [Math] Cost of Ascending to Any "n" Number of Rebirths.

    Tell me Eric, where do you get your motive or motivation to strive and help solve math equations out of pure boredom. I lack the motivation to do math but I like it in a way where it could help me in future problems. For such example, exactly like this one, where you figured out the price of...
  4. AyeCheckIt

    Decapitation Enchant Suggestion

    I feel like this enchantment should been added ages ago
  5. AyeCheckIt

    Ongoing Weekly Build Contest

    I feel like the reward are very low like I can get 200 Mana just from mining for less than a minute but if you like building go for it.