Recent content by Blanknuggetzz

  1. Blanknuggetzz


    I lost all my ssvs because of a punishment and the syrvival reset. Birtrams stilt and bo peeps staff.
  2. Blanknuggetzz

    Its been a long time

    Hey whats up? If i used to know you last season reply to this thread! I would love to know how u guys are doing!
  3. Blanknuggetzz

    Survival Season 7

    This looks cute
  4. Blanknuggetzz

    What Is the name of You're party?

    Mine is DivineCult
  5. Blanknuggetzz


  6. Blanknuggetzz

    Personal title?

    it could probably happen but i think it would make alot of people mad if u had ur own personal title no one else could get.
  7. Blanknuggetzz

    Economy and pricing

    u shouldnt start wit ah. you should start with /shop. if you start with / shop u can sell stuff on ah for more.
  8. Blanknuggetzz

    Shield Glitch?

    you have to re press f again in order for it to work.
  9. Blanknuggetzz


  10. Blanknuggetzz

    Why did you start playing survival?

    cuz of u becca <3 lmao jk
  11. Blanknuggetzz

    RIP Iron_orca

    Iron_orca has been banned for 20 days due to theft press f
  12. Blanknuggetzz

    Hub lag

    i agree
  13. Blanknuggetzz

    Future Work/Study

    i wanna be a male stri- i mean i wanna be a programmer
  14. Blanknuggetzz

    Why i should be unmuted

    no lmao