Recent content by cass_

  1. cass_

    MVP+ help needed

    In game (aka on sky block) if you do /mvp and hover over the objects, you can see rank perks.
  2. cass_


  3. cass_

    Rejected Wood Shack- Medium

    Hey there! My username is cass_ A little about me is that I enjoy building a lot, and parkour is one of the very fun things to build, and complete! The name of my map is Wood Shack. The name is pretty self explanatory, it's theme is basically wood, with a wood shack, and here's the screenshots...
  4. cass_

    Ban the Person Above | 500,000 Views

    Banned for not being a stickman
  5. cass_

    Ban the Person Above | 500,000 Views

    Banned for being a helper
  6. cass_

    Ban the Person Above | 500,000 Views

    Banned for banning because of emojis
  7. cass_

    Ban the Person Above | 500,000 Views

    Banned for using an emoji