Recent content by Kraken

  1. Kraken

    Great Staff Encouragment.

    LMAO I DIDNT MEAN IT IN A BAD WAY. legit thats what i thought it was from far. then i went closer & they were nice mountains/cliffs. I'm sorry ;-;
  2. Kraken

    New Rank, OD?

    We already have a rank like that & It's Veteran. Sorry about your idea Ryan.
  3. Kraken

    Glad to see that you've joined us on here Koala bby!

    Glad to see that you've joined us on here Koala bby!
  4. Kraken

    My bday

    Happy birthday buddy! I hope you havent killed anyone with your jokes:p,have a good one. Hope its been nice c:
  5. Kraken


    That's because the commands were changed. These are the new ones, & explainations to eavh one as well. I hope this helps you out! (added users can build while owner is online) /plot add <player> (trusted users can build always in plot) /plot trust <player> (denied users cannot enter plot) /plot...
  6. Kraken

    Not dieing at island only by mob and keep inventory when dieing

    If you're speaking about keeping your inventory, we had it before & removed it. Although, we will be bringing it back in the new Skyblock 3.0 update but only for players who have Vast. Seems like you may need to get Vast buddy!
  7. Kraken


  8. Kraken

    /pay doesn't work!

    This will be fixed shortly.
  9. Kraken

    Quitting KitPvp (Swifty)

    Bye Isaac, I'll miss ya!
  10. Kraken

    Karaoke Updates/Changes

    You added a 0 after the last 1 for me -_-
  11. Kraken


  12. Kraken

    Skyblock Party!!! #TwerkTeam2014
