Recent content by Nazeeh

  1. Nazeeh


    discord: nazeeh1996 ign: TechnobladeIV
  2. Nazeeh

    make in game currency usable.

    no i meant the in game $$
  3. Nazeeh

    make in game currency usable.

    i would like to propose to the owner and the staffs to make the in game currency much more usable. meaning that the in game currency should not be able to use only for ranking up. but i would like to use it in more areas such as auction house or "paying" players that do favors for you. hope you...
  4. Nazeeh

    New to Olympus! Anyone wanna grind together some time?

    let's do it. i am from maldives. and my time zone is UTC+5, which is the same time as Karachi, pakistan. where are you from and what time zone are you? 1688543939 also my in-game Name is TechnobladeIV