Recent content by samsauce753

  1. samsauce753

    Bring back minigames.

    Don't you guys think minigames should come back? I think it would bring some new players into the server, as not everyone would want to do parkour, factions etc.
  2. samsauce753


    Anyone else miss Skywars? I remember asking on the parkour server for people to join it back in 2016 and it was a laugh :(( Pleeeeaaseee bring it back Dacon.
  3. samsauce753

    i got banned

    Big oof I am afraid, but yeah go on to appeal.
  4. samsauce753

    Lost essential star thingy

    I like to yeet
  5. samsauce753

    OG title

    Can someone post the link where I can claim my OG title? Thanks!
  6. samsauce753

    Old post

  7. samsauce753

    Old post

    I was wondering if any admins minded checking out my new gamemode post, as it hasn't been getting much love recently, thanks!
  8. samsauce753

    rank not showing

  9. samsauce753

    rank not showing

    Whenever I post something on the forums my rank never shows up. I am an MVP btw.
  10. samsauce753

    u never on survival :(

    u never on survival :(
  11. samsauce753

    parkour symbols?

    cheers shinx
  12. samsauce753

    parkour symbols?

    There are weird symbols on the back of my name. When you press tab you can see all the names and on the back of mine there are different coloured star like things. Can someone tell me what they are/mean?
  13. samsauce753

    Rejected Medieval Sky Lands

    I've played this one through and it is extremely enjoyable. I'd love to see it added.
  14. samsauce753

    New minigame!

  15. samsauce753

    New minigame!

    Yeah that's a good idea.