Recent content by Solson1776

  1. S

    If you're feeling depressed or upset, read this.

    damn bruh shit be deep keep living life is worth more than any words.
  2. S

    Z_raid Perhaps a break or be Quiting

    not wurf
  3. S

    Early August Updates

    cool cool
  4. S

    What courses?

    Easy_tier 1 - map 1 is easiest Medium_tier 2 map 1,8 both to the left are the easiest Hard_tier 3 map 4 is easiest to the right Expert_tier 4 why tf are you even thinking about expert Insane_tier 5 map 5 is easiest - Solson
  5. S

    Forum Donator Rank

    Solson1776 Legend on parkour + im a beast